User talk: TheHamme

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Hello, I'm just wondering if I'm in the right place, which I'm pretty sure I am by my calculations. I've been working basically alone for the better part of 10 months. Not cause I wanted to I just had to. I wasn't given a choice. From what I've seen so far all the work me and others have been putting in has been paying great dividends. That's great! I'm just glad that so far all the blood and sweat I've put into this thing hasn't gone for waste. I lost everything I had during this last year, I was almost shot and killed, I was tasored and jailed. I lost a relationship of 7 years and a home of eight. I had to give up my three year old puppy and I'm living back at my moms for the first time as an adult. Just about everyone close to me has been brought to tears by this situation. After all this stuff I still can't even afford to get the proper data for my equitment so I can use a computer in a semi-normal way. Plus I I only have one or two people I can confide in to talk to a little the rest just think I'm nuts. But that's ok I don't expect anything. But I can't help but get a little pist off when I see these company's making millions and I ain't got hardly shit. Especially after thinking back at what I had to go through just to save my own ass. I sure as hell wasn't doing it for them. they were basically my enemy they way I was treated and stomped upon. I was just a regular guy trying to make a few dollars off the internet through hard work and determination when I got railroaded into these software wars. They finally ran into the wrong MF'er who wasn't going to take there shit and go away quietly. Like I said I wouldn't even if I could have I'm not made that way. I won't give up, never! So I guess it's up to you all how you want to do this. I will work with people to a point as long I feel I'm not being drawn in the wrong direction. I don't really need to be here. Thankfully it's gotten good enough so I can rest once and a while. I'm going to be looking at some of this stuff around this and a couple other sites to see how they operate, hopfully this can be somewhat of a smooth transition. Otherwise I'll just keep hacking away until I'm jailed or killed or just die of old age. whatever comes first.