Group: Linux-libre Kernel

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Revision as of 05:26, 8 December 2011 by Aurelien (talk | contribs) (update)
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Welcome in the Linux Libre Kernel Group - Every One is Free to Join!

current_status Active

irc #linux-libre

contact aurelien

note LK group for Linux Libre Kernel hacktivists

LAST OUT '3.1.4 linux libre kernel .deb available from December the 1st 2011'

              'You work on different type of architecture and/or operating system please join'

website (At the time you have build a linux libre kernel without modification on the base configuration you are welcome to link your website to share your works)

members aurelien parsifal

architecture amd 64 bits

operating system Debian Squeeze on fully free repositories

Mirror You can add to your mirror list our mirror

deb planet main

The Linux Libre Kernel Group as been created to help people to construct and compile their own Linux Libre Kernel from

1st goal establish a working compilation recipe (without change from the basic linux kernel configuration distributions but free as in freedom)

2nd goal offer a Linux Libre Kernel Optimization Solution - LKOS a guide to bring some optimizations on your own linux libre kernel

3rd goal keep old recipe at to offer solutions for people which need to works on old solutions

One of the simply way to compile your own Linux Libre Kernel for your distribution is (This example as been made on a Full Libre GNU / Linux Debian Operating System)

You can find the .deb of this linux libre kernel at ::

You can find the .deb of an LKOS example at ::

You can find the old recipes at ::


Linux Libre-Kernel version :: 3.1.2

Last edit Wednesday December the 8 2011.

Type: GNU documentation

License: GNU Free Documentation License

Made on Operating System : Debian Sqeeze with free software only

Distribution: GNU / Linux libre

This part is important and long (depending on the computers you have got)

If you are running on a fresh install or if you never made that type of operation before, you will need to install packages needed for linux libre kernel compilation. First, make sure your apt database is updated

All command must be made under root

Get the root power with su or sudo

aptitude update

Install the needed packages

aptitude install fakeroot kernel-package libncurses5-dev libqt3-mt-dev bzip2 wget build-essential

In a web browser go to last linux libre kernel release you can launch from another buffer of your emacs or terminal if you use tty


Copy the link adress of the linux libre kernel version you want.

In a terminal go to /usr/src and get the source :


Uncompress the archive file

tar xvjf linux-3.1.4-libre.tar.bz2

Go to the newly created directory of the uncompressed source

cd linux-3.1.4


make clean mrproper

Now, you can review and change config variables. First, update your config file to the new options of the linux libre kernel source

make nconfig
F6 to save the .config
F9 to quit

This will open an application that classifies and explains the properties and available modules you can either 'build into' the linux libre kernel, make modularly available or disable. When you are done, save it and exit.

make-kpkg clean

Now you have to modify a file ::

Modify the version.h file in the linux-3.1.4/include/linux containing ::

emacs include/linux/version.h
#define UTS_RELEASE "3.1.4-libre-planet"  <- (here change libre-planet by what you want)

C-x C-s save the file in /usr/src/linux-3.1.4/include/linux/version.h

Now, you can build your linux libre kernel, enter

fakeroot make-kpkg --initrd --append-to-version=-planet kernel_image kernel_headers kernel_source

You can change "planet" by the value you have choose when you have create the utsrelease.h file. Optionally, you can add kernel_source at the end, if you want to build a source pack. You can also put CONCURRENCY_LEVEL=N (where N should be replaced by the number of CPU cores your computer has) at the beginning of the command to make the building process take advantage of multiple core systems.

The last command will take some time to complete. At the end, you will have linux-image and linux-headers (and linux-source if you chose) installation files.

go to linux-image and linux-headers files to the directory you want. Then, either go to that directory in terminal with cd command and install the two .deb packages:

Now you've got your own libre-kernel files in /usr/src

dpkg -i linux-image-3.1.4-libre-planet.deb
dpkg -i linux-headers-3.1.4-libre-planet.deb
dpkg -i linux-source-3.1.4-libre-planet.deb


dpkg -i *b (if the directory is clean)

Or, just double-click on the two files and click on the Install Package button.

Restart and choose libre-planet kernel from your GRUB.

If you build you own Linux Libre Kernel and share it arround it can be usefull to generate the md5 checksum

md5sum linux-image-3.1.4-libre-planet.deb > linux-image-3.1.4-libre-planet.deb.md5

Special Thanks to

The Free Technologie Academy ::
Linux advanced administration manual :: first version of the recipe
For the participation on the recipe 2.6.32 :: Ali Gundunz Ali Gundunz :: gndz.ali(at)gmail(dot)com
For the modification part on the file /linux- Damian Fossi :: damianfossi(at)gmail(dot)com
For the modification between and 3.0 importing /Documentation/lguest/ folder and files :: aurelien

This document is under GNU Free Documentation License Last modification bring Dember the 8 2011 by aurelien