This is an archive of a past conference. Subscribe below to be notified when the next LibrePlanet is announced.

An astronaut floating above LibrePlanet.

Read our write ups on day one and day two of the conference.

About LibrePlanet

LibrePlanet (March 19 & 20, online) is the annual conference hosted by the Free Software Foundation. LibrePlanet provides an opportunity for community activists, domain experts, and people seeking solutions for themselves to come together in order to discuss current issues in technology and ethics.

This year's LibrePlanet theme is "Living Liberation".


Want to interact with other conference-goers in a virtual space? Join us on LibreAdventure, where you'll be able to video chat with fellow free software users, journey to the stars, and walk around a replica of the FSF office!


Our Minetest server is back by popular demand, and now running version 5.x of everyone's favorite free software, voxel sandbox game. You can install Minetest through your GNU/Linux distro's package manager, and point your client to with the default port 30000.