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An astronaut floating above LibrePlanet.

LibrePlanet Supporter: Spruce

Spruce lets users control their data across the web. We believe that the world is evolving toward one based on cryptography, networks, and digital economies that are user-controlled. Today, the dominant use case for user keys is the signing of blockchain transactions, but we think this barely scratches the surface of what is possible. Soon, the entirety of a user’s digital interactions will be based on their keypairs, and we’re unlocking this transition with our constellation of products.

We meet users where they are, and empower them to use their existing keys to Sign-In with Ethereum, manage their digital identity, private storage, and anything else.

Spruce animation in purple

Why free software matters to Spruce

The global adoption of digital identity is only accelerating as our interactions increasingly rely on software. At Spruce, we care deeply about ensuring that users have control over their own data amidst this transition by building open source tools built on open standards. We believe that free software is the only practical way to give people the transparency they deserve, especially for the systems that handle their most critical data. Furthermore, free software is the best way to simultaneously maintain a high degree of security (with many eyes making all bugs shallow), enable global collaboration, and unlock unbounded innovation through the ultimate open interface of being able to examine, modify, and redistribute source code. Spruce is a proud sponsor of LibrePlanet, and we are grateful for the opportunity to contribute.

LibrePlanet has ended. We thank Spruce for supporting us!

Spruce has an exhibitor space in the LibreAdventure Spruce area (our virtual conference space).