Group talk: DefectiveByDesign/Day Against DRM 2010

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Today, May 4th, is "The Day Against DRM". It's a very sad day ! While I think DRM is fundamentally flawed by design we're still stuck in this extremism debate going nowhere anytime soon. Apple has sold its 1'000'000th (1 million) padlast Friday, 28 days since its launch. 12 million apps downloaded and 1.5 million ebooks. Let's face the facts, compared to the number of signatures collected against the iPad this device is rocking its world despite the DRM issues. Basically, the user experience by far outweighs the problems. I've written an "Open Letter to about this on my blog So, here's my proposition for today. It's a call for action: let's unite to propose a "Grassroots DRM Day", a day to co-creatively Rethink and Redesign DRM.