Group: Manchester

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(Events: Chorlton's Big Green Festival 2010)
(Events: Change Chorlton's Big Green Festival link to official website.)
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== Events ==
== Events ==
* [[Manchester/ChorltonBigGreenFestival2010|Chorlton's Big Green Festival 2010]] - [ Book your stall at Chorlton's Big Green Festival]
* [[Manchester/ChorltonBigGreenFestival2010|Chorlton's Big Green Festival 2010]] - [ Chorlton's Big Green Festival]
* [[Manchester/Ubuntu10.04Jam|Ubuntu 10.04 "Lucid Lynx" Jam in Manchester]] - [ Ubuntu Jams]
* [[Manchester/Ubuntu10.04Jam|Ubuntu 10.04 "Lucid Lynx" Jam in Manchester]] - [ Ubuntu Jams]
* [[Manchester/Logo Competition|Logo Competition]] - details and entries for our logo competition, 2009.
* [[Manchester/Logo Competition|Logo Competition]] - details and entries for our logo competition, 2009.

Revision as of 15:56, 21 January 2010

Manchester Free Software (MFS)

This is the wiki of Manchester Free Software (MFS). There are other Free Software related groups in Manchester but MFS is the only one that focuses on the Free Software philosophy. We are not FSF Manchester although we share much of the FSF philosophy. One example of disagreement is that we regard Debian GNU/Linux as a good Free Software choice whereas FSF do not[1].

Manchester Free Software was formed in response to the growing need for a group based in the Manchester area that focuses on Free Software and GNU/Linux primarily, but also on issues such as Digital Restrictions Management and other issues which infringe on the freedoms of computer users.

Anybody is welcome to the meetings, but you will be particularly interested if you are into such things as

What about other groups in the local area?

Manchester has a healthy tradition of groups based on free software technologies, but these groups suffer from a tendency to focus on mixing free software with proprietary software, or even proprietary operating systems, such as Mac OS X. Worse still, many of the groups are suffering from a strong bias against groups like the GNU Project and Free Software Foundation.

We anticipate that this group can happily co-exist with the others. Both the BSD and LUG groups have many members in common, and we hope many of them will want to belong to our group as well.


Group meetings occur on the third Tuesday of the month at 19:00. Details are posted on the web site, on this wiki in the Group Meetings table and to the fsuk-manchester mailing list prior.

Administrative meetings happen on the second Monday of the month. The time and location will be stated in the agenda for the next meeting which is on this wiki in the Administrative Meetings table and will be posted on the web site and to the fsuk-manchester mailing list.

See the Meetings page for more details.



A list of projects that Manchester Free Software is involved in.


Questions that we get asked and the answers.

You Can Help

Find out what needs to be done to keep the group running

The instructions for setting up a LTSP cluster.


Information for team members.


We’re always looking for new speakers. If you have suggestions for speakers, or would like to speak yourself, please go on to the Speakers page for more information.


When publicising meetings or events we inform various online communities.

A general list of places to publicise Manchester Free Software.

A list of materials to use when publicising Manchester Free Software.


We have a selection of books, badges and stickers for sale, kindly donated by the Free Software Foundation. Proceeds go to both the FSF and Manchester Free Software.

Free Software related groups

See also - Manchester Co-working

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