Group: Manchester

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See also - Manchester Co-working

Manchester Free Software was formed in response to a growing apparent need for a group based in the Manchester area that focuses on Free Software and GNU/Linux primarily, but also on issues such as Digital Restrictions Management and other issues which infringe on the freedoms of computer users.

Anybody is welcome to the meetings, but you will be particularly interested in the meetings if you are interested in the activities of the Free Software Foundation, GNU Project, League for Programming Freedom and the GNU/Linux operating system.

What about other groups in the local area?

Manchester has a healthy tradition of groups based on free software technologies, but these groups suffer from a tendency to focus on mixing free software with proprietary software, or even proprietary operating systems, such as Mac OS X. Worse still, many of the groups are suffering from a strong bias against groups like the GNU Project and Free Software Foundation.

We anticipate that this group can happily co-exist with the others. Both the BSD and LUG groups have many members in common, and we hope many of them will want to belong to our group as well.

Meeting information

Meetings occur monthly, but the exact date and time of our meetings will be discussed on list.

2008 Meetings

2007 Meetings
