User: MaGNUel

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Revision as of 21:05, 24 June 2012 by MaGNUel (talk | contribs)
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Manuel Monterosso's Personal Page

I'm a Free Software supporter. With free software, we can at least control what software does in our own computers. I do not use social networking sites. That doesn't mean I think they are all unethical. Some are, some are not.

For information please write to:

  • manuel dot monterosso at gmail dot com

(replace 'at' with '@' and dot with '.')


Button-it.png This user is a member of LibrePlanet Italia.

Button-trisquel.png This user is using Trisquel.

ODF-logo-small.png This user supports the Open Document Format.

No acta txtonly.png This user supports the FSF's group campaign against ACTA.

Swpat-logo-small.png This user is interested in contributing to End Software Patents.
Button-dbd.png This user is interested in contributing to Defective by Design.
Button-gnuhead.png This user knows that GNU's Not Unix.
FSS This user is subscribed to the Free Software Supporter newsletter.