Group: AI

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Welcome in the Artificial Intelligence Workers Group - Every One is Free to Join!


The growing of Artificial Intelligence will soon make robotics 100% autonomus.

At this time, what will be the representation of money in front of the works since you will not need to have to have to works anymore?

Artificial Intelligence Programming Language

  • Emacs Lisp
  • Python

Why we must use robotics? (in our experimentation)

Because Artificial Intelligence use for part of its own evolution its environment and its own capacities.

Why Hackers-lab

Because this place Hackers Laboratory have for goal to make it as free as possible, using free software that exist at this time and highlight the solution that need to be free to make it a 100% available and usable solution.

Also the Hackers world is an attractive things for all coming student, and the interest is to show / prove two things ::

  • Hackers does not mean crackers and that is a cool voice to follow and join/find great project
  • Use the attractive world of robotics and artificial intelligence to develop usable solution for tomorrow under free software license.

Join us!

join us on #Hackers-Lab

You can add a user box supporting Artificial Intelligence by putting
{{user AI}}
on your user page.

Note Artificial Intelligence Workers Group
Region WorldWide
Area WorldWide
Mailing list no list
Website Hackers Laboratory
Available language(s) English
Contact join us on #Hackers-Lab
Members 6
Description The workers and students group of Artifial Intelligence
Current status Active
AI.png Worker & Student on Artificial Intelligence.
