Group talk: Windows 7 Sins

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Revision as of 08:10, 7 May 2010 by Logicthe (talk | contribs) ("Your stories" might be useful, although I don't have any personal 'personal stories'.)
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Your stories

The red link Your stories seems interesting. If I have time maybe I would start adding a story or a link to someone who has a personal story. I think things can be written about Sin 2 which talks about WGdis-A. Not about Sin 1 because that's not software specific. Though on Sin 6 which is about DRestrictionsM maybe something could be added. Sin 7 is about botnets and that is too difficult(and danger getting attacked by the botnet, or is it FUD?) a topic to provide some good examples. My thoughts. Logicthe 12:10, 7 May 2010 (UTC)