This is an archive of a past conference. Subscribe below to be notified when the next LibrePlanet is announced.


The lively Exhibit Hall at LibrePlanet will be open on both conference days, in person, and online at LibreAdventure with something for everyone. Be sure to take a virtual stroll around and meet exhibitors who care about software freedom.

Vikings logo.

Unmukti hopbox logo.

In-kind and raffle sponsors

Purism logo

Technoethical logo.

Vikings logo.

ThinkPenguin logo.

NoStarch logo.

Aeronaut Brewing Co. logo.

Become a LibrePlanet 2023 sponsor

As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, the Free Software Foundation relies on sponsors and volunteers to make LibrePlanet a reality each year. Thanks to conference sponsors, we can offer free admission to students, welcoming event space and social activities, and refreshments for attendees. Support from generous sponsors also enables LibrePlanet to run on free software infrastructure, including livestreaming and session recordings.

Sponsorship and underwriting opportunities can be found in this informational flyer or in this year's prospectus.

To inquire about sponsoring the event, or if you have any questions, please email

Register to the event as a sponsor! Please only use this link after confirmation from the FSF! All materials must be submitted by **March 1, 2023** in order to guarantee visual inclusion.

Become a LibrePlanet 2023 exhibitor

The lively and centrally located Exhibit Hall at LibrePlanet will be open on both conference days (times TBC), with something for everyone. Be sure to take a stroll around and meet exhibitors who care about software freedom.

We offer early registration pricing for exhibitors until February 21st, 2023. Nonprofits and individual projects are eligible for a discounted exhibitors price.

Register to the event as an exhibitor! Please only use this link after confirmation from the FSF! All materials must be submitted by **March 1, 2023** in order to guarantee visual inclusion.