Content inventory first edition

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Content Inventory of Introduction to the Command Line

Table of Contents: Sections and Chapter Headings


1. Introduction
2. About this Manual


3. Getting Started
4. Beginning Syntax
5. Moving Around


6. Basic Commands
7. Standard Files
8. Cut Down on Typing
9. Superusers
10. Redirection


11. Multiple Files
12. Searching for Files
13. Piping
14. Processes
15. File Structure
16. Command History


17. Permissions
18. Interactive Editing
19. Checking Exit
20. Sub Commands
21. Moving Again
22. Customization
23. Parameter Substitution
24. GNU Screen
25. SSH
26. Git
27. Installing Software
28. Making Your Own Interpreter

Text Editors

29. Text Editors [removed vim, emacs, kedit, gedit]
30. Nano


31. Scripting
32. Maintaining Scripts
33. Other Languages
34. Sed
35. Awk
36. Regular Expressions

Scripting Languages [removed perl, ruby, GNU Octave]

37. Python


38. Glossary
39. Command Quick
40. Outline
41. Credits

Content Inventory (Formatted)

1. Introduction

1.1. Put Yourself in Command [comparison of GUI and command line for same task]
1.2. Advantages of Using Commands
1.2.1. Flexibility
1.2.2. Reliability
1.2.3. Speed
1.2.4. Experience [learning experience]
1.2.5. Fun
1.3. The Value of Scripting
1.4. Is my Computer Sick? [get hardware and software info from command line]
1.5. Spanning the Network [execute commands on remote computer using command line]
1.6. Even Graphical Programs are Commands [examining GUI program behavior via command line]
Terms: command line, command line interface, command line program, commands, GNU/Linux, graphical user interface, program, scripting, script, text file

2. About this Manual [origin of book and ways to contribute]

3. Getting Started

3.1. Getting Started
3.2. The Command Line Can do Much Better [beyond simple commands without options]
3.3. What Do We Mean By a Command? [command is executable file; mentions builtins]
3.4. Ways to Enter Commands
3.5. Finding a Terminal
3.6. Running an Individual Command
3.7. How We Show Commands and Output in This Book
Terms: shell, terminal, desktop environment
Commmands: date

4. Beginning Syntax

4.1. Arguments [examples of args using echo]
$echo foo
4.2. Options [examples of options using date]
$date --utc
4.3. Repeating and editing commands [keyboard up arrow for previous commands (no mention of history); right, left arrow to edit]
Terms: argument, white space, quoting, option
Commands: echo, date

5. Moving Around [navigating file system]

5.1. Absolute and relative paths
5.2. Good to be back home [introduces home directory; two ways to return to it]
$cd ~
5.3 The . and .. directories
Terms: folders, directories, filesystem, root directory, absolute path, relative path, parent directory (..), current directory (.)
Commands: pwd, cd

6. Basic Commands

6.1. ls
$ls --color
6.2. man, info & apropos
$man ls
$info ls
$emacs -f info-standalone [view info main menu in Emacs]
$apropos rename
$apropos -s 1 rename [brief into to manual page sections]
6.3. mv
$mv oldname newname
$mv -i oldname newname
$mv one_file another_file a_third_file ~/stuff
6.4. mkdir
$mkdir ~/stuff
$rmdir ~/stuff
6.5. rm & rmdir
6.6. cat & less
Terms: subdirectory, manual page, Emacs, globbing, recursive
Commands: apropos, cat, cp, info, less, ls, man, mkdir, rmdir

7. Standard Files [section introduces stdin, stdout, stderr; introduces redirection operator > and >>) and pipe; file descriptors; exec]

7.1. More about redirection
$ls *.bak > listfile
$ls *.bak | more
$ls -lR / | tee > allMyFiles
7.2. Redirecting stderr
$ls /nosuchplace > /dev/null
$ls /nosuchplace 2>/tmp/errors
$ls *.bak > listfile 2>&1
7.3. Adding more descriptors
$exec 3>/tmp/thirdfile
$exec 4>/tmp/fourthfile
$echo drib >&3
$ echo drab >&4
$ echo another drib >&3
$ echo another drab >&4
$ exec 3>&-
$ exec 4>&-
Terms: pipes, stdin, stdout, stderr, redirection, standard input, standard output, standard error, *, file descriptor, >&, |, >, >>
Commands: ls, tee, exec

8. Cut Down on Typing

8.1. All That Typing... [short intro]
8.2. Autocompleting [autocompletion using tab]
8.3. Copy and Paste [copy and paste into command line using GUI and mouse]
8.4. History [using keyboard up, down arrow to navigate history]
Terms: auto completion, history

9. Superusers

9.1. The Superuser (Root) [narrative intro to root, superuser]
9.2. The sudo Command [brief into to sudo and su]
$sudo rm -r /junk_directory
Terms: superuser, root
Commands: sudo, su

10. Redirection [redirection to /dev/null; background process; job control not mentioned prior]

10.1. Redirection
$ls > my-file-list [introduces >> in narrative]
$bigprogram > /dev/null [brief intro to /dev/null]
$mail joe < myfile.txt
$ogg123 *.ogg &
$ogg123 *.ogg >/dev/null 2>music_err &
Terms: redirection, clobbering, background [process], /dev/null, >, >>, <

11. Multiple Files

11.1. Multiple Files [introductory text]
11.2. Globbing
11.2.1. The "*" Wildcard
$rm -- * [text says: When you use just an asterisk ("*") with rm, and basically any other command, it is always a good idea to put an option terminator ("--") before the wildcard like this:]
11.2.2. The "?" Wildcard
11.2.3. The "[ ]" Wildcards
11.2.4. Brace Expansion [first mention of bash]
11.3. Globbing When No File Matches
11.4. Disabling A Wildcard
Terms: globbing, wildcards (?, *), anchors (^), ranges ([]), brace expansion, brace range {1..10}, escape (\), string, shell, hidden files, option terminator (--)

12. Searching for Files

12.1. Wildcards with Find
$find . -name 'some*' -print
12.2. Trimming The Search Path
$find . -maxdepth 1 -name 'some*' -print
12.3. Using Criteria
$find ~ -mtime -3 -print
12.4. Using Find To Run a Command on Multiple Files [introduces exec option to find]
$find directory_to_backup -mtime +30 -size +500k -print \
-exec rm {} \;
$find . -name 'file*' -exec cp {} {}.backup \;
Commands: find

13. Piping [introduces cat, cut, sort, uniq, and grep to illustrate the use of pipes]

13.1 Piping Hot Commands [illustrating use of pipes]
$cat books
$sort books
$cut -d: -f1 books
$sort books | cut -d: -f1
$sort books | cut -d: -f2
$cut -d: -f2 books | sort
$cut -d: -f1 books | sort | grep "John"
$cut -d: -f1 books | sort | grep ", John"
$cut -d: -f1 books | sort | grep ", John" | uniq -c
$cut -d: -f1 books | sort | grep ", John" | uniq -c | sort -nr
Topics: pipes, delimiters
Commands: cat, sort, cut, grep, uniq

14. Processes

14.1. Processes [briefly introduces concept of a process]
14.2. Interrupting (Ctrl-C) [introduces SIGINT as raised on CTRL-C; first mention of kernel]
14.3. ps and kill [introduces top; mentions tty]
$ps -e
$kill 3941 [doesn't explain where pid in example comes from; mentions kill and option 9, introduces SIGKILL, and $kill -s SIGKILL (pid)]
14.4. Processes and jobs (background) [starting process in background with &, introduces fg, bg, and Ctrl-Z, and jobs]
$firefox &
$fg 3694
$fg %1
Topics: processes, binary, executable, signals, SIGINT, foreground [process], background [process], process id (PID), terminal, tty, terminating a process, jobs

job number,

Commands: ps, top, tty, kill, fg, bg

15. File Structure

15.1. Files and Directories [introduces GNU/Linux directory structure; introduces concept of hidden file (~/.sugar/default/logs), suggests referring to heir man page]
Terms: root directory
Commands: man

16. Command History

16.1. Command History Shortcuts [brief first mention of cron; reiterates keyboard arrow up, down to navigate history]
16.2. Recalling a command by a string [introduces !, !command:p, !!]
$!?log? [Rhockens: I can't figure out how this works]
$sudo !! [after mentioning !! in text]
16.3. Recalling a command by number
16.4. Repeating arguments [introduces !*, !^, and !$, :number, and :number range]
[code samples below in pairs showing original command and command using recall operator]

$emasc /home/fred/ /tmp/ # FAILS
$emacs !* # fixed command name and recalled all arguments with !*

$emacs /home/fred/ /tmp/
$svn commit !^ # equivalent to: svn commit /home/fred/

$mv /home/fred/downloads/sample_screen_config /home/fred/.screenrc
$emacs !$ # equivalent to: emacs /home/fred/.screenrc

$sudo cp /etc/apache2/sites-available/siteconfig /home/fred/siteconfig.bak
$echo !^ !!:2 # equivalent to echo cp /etc/apache2/sites-available/siteconfig

16.5. Editing Arguments [introduces editing recalled arguments with s/foo/bar]
$wc file1
$rm !$:s/1/2/ [expands to "rm file2"]

$wc file1
$^1^2 [Expands to "wc file2"; RH: Check on Arch]
16.6. Searching through the Command History [Ctrl-R for "reverse-i-search"]
16.7. Sharing Bash History [update ~/.bashrc; hidden files and text editing have not yet been introduced; don't believe bash has been formally introduced]
shopt -s histappend
PROMPT_COMMAND='history -a'
Terms: command history, bang operator, bash shell, .bashrc
Commands: !, mv, log, sudo, history, !*, !^, !$, emacs, svn, cp, wc, rm

17. Permissions

17.1. What can I do? What can others do? [introduces files types; r, w, x permissions; users and groups; whoami; root]
17.2. Setting through chmod [introduces two ways to change permissions]
$chmod u=rw,g=,o= motd
$chmod 0660 issue

18. Interactive Editing [introduces concept of key bindings; shows how to set vim or emacs; detailed discussion of emacs keybindings; suggests exploring vim on own; prior to discussion of vim in book]

19. Checking Exit

19.1. Exit Status [introduces exit status; 0 success; $?]
$echo $?
19.2. if/then [introduces compound command]
19.3. && and ||
19.4. What does an exit status mean?

20. Sub Commands

20.1. Command Substitution [introduces commmand substitution; breifly introduces adding alias to .bashrc; hidden files, text editing not yet introduced]
$grep `date +%b` apache_error_log
.bashrc: alias monthlog="grep `date +%b` apache_error_log"
$grep $(date +%b) apache_error_log

21. Moving Again [introduces directory stack; dirs; pushd dir; pushd; pushd +/- number; popd; illustrates state of state after various example commands]

22. Customization

22.1. Useful customizations [intro text]
22.2. Variables [assigning, unassigning variables]
$cd $p
$unset VAR
22.3. Ordinary Variables and Environment Variables
$export p
22.4. Shell Variables [describes several variables; SHELL, USER, PATH, etc.]
$echo $HOME
22.5. Controlling Variable Expansion
$rm $curr1.jpeg # doesn't work
$rm ${curr}1.jpeg # works
22.6. The Search Path [brief into to search path; introduction of which]
22.7. Configuration Files [introduction to hidden files; .bashrc; reference to text editor chapter]

23. Parameter Substitution

23.1. Parameter Substitution
$rm ${curr}.jpeg
$rm ${curr/file/picture}.jpeg # to change file to picture and rm mypicture.jpg
23.2. Playing Safe With Variables That Don't Exist [introduces :- and :=]
$cat "${VARIABLE_FILE_NAME:-/home/user/file}"
$cat "${VARIABLE_FILE_NAME:=/home/user/file}"
23.3. Cutting Corners With Variable Expansion
$export ALT_LS='--color=always -b -h --filetype'
$ls $ALT_LS

24. GNU Screen [introduces screen and key combinations for: splitting, copy and paste, detaching, quitting]

25. SSH [intro to ssh, scp, rsync; discourages telnet; detached remote session using screen]

25.1. SSH
$ssh -l remoteusername
$ssh 'mkdir /home/myname/newdir'
25.2. scp: file copying
$scp yesterday-interview.txt
$scp user1@host1:file1 user2@host2:otherdir
$scp -r user1@host1:dir1 user2@host2:dir2
25.3. rsync: automated bulk transfers and backups
$rsync -e ssh -a /home/myname/docs
25.4. Making life easier when you use SSH often [editing .ssh/config]

26. Git [list of basic git commands: clone, commit, revert; chapter appears incomplete]
Didn't realize that this chapter wasn't in the first edition Rhockens (talk) 08:33, 2 June 2019 (EDT)]

27. Installing Software [basic commands for apt-get and yum; brief overview of compiling from source]

27.1. Dependencies [introduction to topic]
27.2. Unpack the archive
$tar zxvf packagename.tar.gz
27.3. Run the configure script
$./configure --prefix ~/bin/myprogs
27.4. Compile the software
$make -j3
27.5. Install the software
$sudo make install

28. Making Your Own Interpreter [source code for bdc; compiling; usage]

29. Text Editors [including nano; omitting vim, emacs, kedit, gedit]

29.1. Text Editors [intro]
29.1.1. Word Processing vs Text Editing
29.1.2. Why do you need a text editor?
29.1.3. Why are most text editors command-line programs?
29.2. Setting a default text editor
$export EDITOR=emacs

30. Nano [brief intro; basic use; start, save, exit]

31. Scripting

31.1. Scripting [intro; sample script]
31.2. Making scripts executable
$chmod +x
31.3. More Control [examples of if, while, etc.]
31.3.1. if
31.3.2. while (and until)
31.3.3. case
31.3.4. for
31.3.5. parallel

32. Maintaining Scripts [guidelines for maintainable, robust scripts; e.g., "Use descriptive names for your scripts"]

33. Other Languages [introduction; introduces awk, sed, python; other languages omitted]

34. Sed

34.1. The Sed Text Processor
$wc -c * | sort -n | sed ...
34.2. Basic Syntax and Substitution
$sed "s/foo/bar/g" inputfile > outputfile
34.3. Sed Expressions Explained [introduces $, ^, *, []]
34.4. Deletion
$sed "/^$/d" inputfile > outputfile
34.5. Controlling Printing
$sed -n "s/Mrs\./Ms/p" testfile
34.6. Multiple Patterns
$echo Gnus eat grass | sed -e "s/Gnus/Penguins/" -e "s/grass/fish/"
34.7. Controlling Edits With Patterns
$sed "/one/ s/number/1/" testfile > testchangedfile
34.8. Controlling Edits With Line Numbers
$sed "2,3 s/number/1/" < testfile > testchangedfile
34.9. Scripting SED commands
$sed -f sedcommands < inputfile > outputfile

35. Awk [basic intro to awk]

36. Regular Expressions [basic intro to regular expressions; operators, ranges, groups, anchoring, etc.]

37. Python [new chapter TK]

38. Glossary [update for second edition]

Glossary terms that don't appear in text: aptitude, ash, aspell, bug report, character set, findutils, fontconfig, intltool, kernel-utils, lsof, openssh, syntax highlighting [some glossary terms only appear in Command Quickie]

39. Command Quickie [to be revised for second edition]

Commands in order of presentation: ls, man, info apropos, pwd, cd, mkdir, rmdir, touch, rm, ln, cp, mv, whoami, passwd, ps, kill, chown, chmod, more, less, pg, cat, grep, df, echo, file, diff, wc, find, ftp, wget, tar, gzip, gunzip, zcat, bzip2, bunzip2, bzcat, lynx, mc, emacs, vi, nano, pico, pr, lpr, split

40. Outline [proposed outline for a future edition]

41. Credits

Content Inventory (Plain text)

1. Introduction
2. About this Manual
3. Getting Started
4. Beginning Syntax
5. Moving Around
6. Basic Commands
7. Standard Files
8. Cut Down on Typing
9. Superusers
10. Redirection
11. Multiple Files
12. Searching for Files
13. Piping
14. Processes
15. File Structure
16. Command History
17. Permissions
18. Interactive Editing
19. Checking Exit
20. Sub Commands
21. Moving Again
22. Customization
23. Parameter Substitution
24. GNU Screen
25. SSH
26. Git
27. Installing Software
28. Making Your Own Interpreter
Text Editors
29. Text Editors [removed vim, emacs, kedit, gedit]
30. Nano
31. Scripting
32. Maintaining Scripts
33. Other Languages
34. Sed
35. Awk
36. Regular Expressions
Scripting Languages [removed perl, ruby, GNU Octave]<br />
37. Python
38. Glossary
39. Command Quick
40. Outline
41. Credits

1. Introduction
1.1. Put Yourself in Command [comparison of GUI and command line for same task]
1.2. Advantages of Using Commands
1.2.1. Flexibility
1.2.2. Reliability
1.2.3. Speed
1.2.4. Experience [learning experience]
1.2.5. Fun
1.3. The Value of Scripting
1.4. Is my Computer Sick? [info on running hardward and software from cli]
1.5. Spanning the Network [executing commands on remote computers using cli]
1.6. Even Graphical Programs are Commands [examing GUI program behavior via cl]

Terms: command line, command line interface, command line program, commands, GNU/Linux,graphical user interface, program, scripting, script, text file

2. About this Manual [origin of book and ways to contribute]

3. Basics
3.1. Getting Started
3.2. The Command Line Can do Much Better [beyond simple commands without options]
3.3. What Do We Mean By a Command? [command is executable file; mentions builtins]	
3.4. Ways to Enter Commands
3.5. Finding a Terminal
3.6. Running an Individual Command
3.7. How We Show Commands and Output in This Book

Terms: shell, terminal, desktop environment, 
Commmands: date 

4. Beginning Syntax
4.1. Arguments [examples of args using echo]
	$echo foo
4.2. Options [examples of options using date]
	$date --utc
4.3. Repeating and editing commands [keyboard up arrow for previous commands (no mention of history); right, left arrow to edit]

Terms: argument, white space, quoting, option
Commands: date, echo 

5. Moving Around [navigating file system]
5.1. Absolute and relative paths
5.2. Good to be back home [introduces home directory; two ways to return to it]
	$cd ~
5.3 The . and .. directories 

Terms: folders, directories, filesystem, root directory, absolute path, relative path, parent directory (..), current directory (.)
Commands: cd, pwd

6. Basic Commands
6.1. ls
	$ls --color
6.2. man, info & apropos
	$man ls
	$info ls
	$emacs -f info-standalone [view info main menu in Emacs]
	$apropos rename
	$apropos -s 1 rename [brief into to manual page sections]
6.3. mv
	$mv oldname newname
	$mv -i oldname newname
	$mv one_file another_file a_third_file ~/stuff
6.4. mkdir
	$mkdir ~/stuff
	$rmdir ~/stuff
6.5. rm & rmdir
6.6. cat & less

Terms: subdirectory, manual page, Emacs, globbing, recursive
Commands: apropos, cat, cp, info, less, ls, man, mkdir, rmdir

7. Standard Files [section introduces stdin, stdout, stderr; introduces redirection operator > (but not >>) and pipe; file descriptors; exec]
7.1. More about redirection 
	$ls *.bak > listfile
	$ls *.bak | more
	$ls -lR / | tee > allMyFiles
7.1. Redirecting stderr
	$ls /nosuchplace > /dev/null
	$ls /nosuchplace 2>/tmp/errors
	$ls *.bak > listfile 2>&1
7.2. Adding more descriptors
	$exec 3>/tmp/thirdfile
	$ exec 4>/tmp/fourthfile
	$ echo drib >&3
	$ echo drab >&4
	$ echo another drib >&3
	$ echo another drab >&4
	$ exec 3>&-
	$ exec 4>&-
Terms: pipes, stdin, stdout, stderr, redirection, standard input, standard ouputt, standard error, *, file descriptor, >&, |, >, >>
Commands: ls, tee, exec

8. Cut Down on Typing
8.1. All That Typing... [short intro]
8.2. Autocompleting [autocompletion using tab]
8.3. Copy and Paste [copy and paste into command line using GUI and mouse]
8.4. History [using keyboard up and down arrow to access history]

Terms: auto completion, history

9. Superusers
9.1. The Superuser (Root) [narrative intro to root/superuser]
9.2. The sudo Command [brief into to sudo and su]
	$sudo rm -r /junk_directory

Terms: superuser, root, 
Commands: sudo, su

10. Redirection [introduces >>; redirection to /dev/null; background process; job control not mentioned prior] 
10.1. Redirection
	$ls > my-file-list [introduces >> in narrative]
	$bigprogram > /dev/null [brief intro to /dev/null]
	$mail joe < myfile.txt
	$ogg123 *.ogg &
	$ogg123 *.ogg >/dev/null 2>music_err &

Terms: redirection, clobbering, background [process], /dev/null, >, >>, <

11. Multiple Files
11.1. Multiple Files [introductory text]
11.2. Globbing
11.2.1. The "*" Wildcard
	$rm -- *
11.2.2. The "?" Wildcard
11.2.3. The "[ ]" Wildcards
11.2.4. Brace Expansion [first mention of bash]
11.3. Globbing When No File Matches
11.4. Disabling A Wildcard

Terms: globbing, wildcards (?, *), anchors (^), ranges ([]), brace expansion, brace range {1..10}, escape (\), string, shell, hidden files, option terminator (--), 
Commands: rm, ls, 

12. Searching for Files
12.1. Wildcards with Find
	$find . -name 'some*' -print 
12.2. Trimming The Search Path
	$find . -maxdepth 1 -name 'some*' -print 
12.3. Using Criteria
	$find ~ -mtime -3 -print
12.4. Using Find To Run a Command on Multiple Files [introduces exec option to find]
	$find directory_to_backup  -mtime +30  -size +500k -print \
              -exec rm {} \;
	$find . -name 'file*' -exec cp {} {}.backup \; 

Commands: find

13. Piping [introduces cat, cut, sort, uniq, and grep to illustrate the use of pipes]
13.1 Piping Hot Commands
	$cat books
	$sort books
	$cut -d: -f1 books
	$sort books | cut -d: -f1
	$sort books | cut -d: -f2
	$cut -d: -f2 books | sort
	$cut -d: -f1 books | sort | grep "John"
	$cut -d: -f1 books | sort | grep ", John"
	$cut -d: -f1 books | sort | grep ", John" | uniq -c
	$cut -d: -f1 books | sort | grep ", John" | uniq -c | sort -nr

Topics: pipes, delimiters
Commands: cat, sort, cut, grep, uniq 

14. Processes 
14.1. Processes [breifly introduces concept of a process]
14.2. Interrupting (Ctrl-C) [introduces SIGINT as raised on CTRL-C; mentions kernel] 
14.3. ps and kill [introduces top but doesn't demonstrate, mentions tty]
	$ps -e
	$kill 3941 [doesn't explain where pid in example comes from; mentions kill option 9, SIGKILL, and $kill -s SIGKILL (pid)]
14.4. Processes and jobs (background) [starting process in background with &, introduces fg, bg, and Ctrl-Z, and jobs]
	$firefox &
	$fg 3694
	$fg %1

Topics: processes, binary, executable, singals, SIGINT, foreground [process], background [process], process id (PID), terminal, tty, terminating a process, jobsjob number, 
Commands: ps, top, tty, kill, fg, bg

15. File Structure
15.1. Files and Directories [introduces GNU/Linux directory structure, introduces concept of hidden file (~/.sugar/default/logs), suggests referring to heir man page]

Terms: root directory
Commands: man

16. Command History
16.1. Command History Shortcuts [breif first mention of cron; reiterates keyboard arrow up, down to navigate]
16.2. Recalling a command by a string [introduces !, !command:p, !!]
	$!?log? [RH: not sure what this is doing]
	$sudo !! [after mentioning !! in text]
16.3. Recalling a command by number
16.4. Repeating arguments [introduces !*, !^, and !$, :number, and :number range]
	[code samples are pairs showing original command and command using recall operator]

	$emasc /home/fred/ /tmp/ # FAILS

	$emacs /home/fred/ /tmp/
	$svn commit !^    # equivalent to: svn commit /home/fred/

	$mv /home/fred/downloads/sample_screen_config /home/fred/.screenrc
	$emacs !$     # equivalent to: emacs /home/fred/.screenrc

	$sudo cp /etc/apache2/sites-available/siteconfig /home/fred/siteconfig.bak
	$echo !^ !!:2  # equivalent to echo cp /etc/apache2/sites-available/siteconfig

16.5. Editing Arguments [introduces editing recalled arguments with s/foo/bar]
	$wc file1
	$rm !$:s/1/2/ [expands to "rm file2"]

	$wc file1
	$^1^2 [Expands to "wc file2"; RH: Check on Arch]
16.6. Searching through the Command History [Ctrl-R for "reverse-i-search"]
16.7. Sharing Bash History [update ~/.bashrc; hidden files and text editing have not yet been introduced; don't believe bash has been formally introduced]
	shopt -s histappend
	PROMPT_COMMAND='history -a'

Terms: command history, bang operator, bash shell, .bashrc
Commands: !, mv, log, sudo, history, !*, !^, !$, emacs, svn, cp, wc, rm 

17. Permissions
17.1. What can I do? What can others do? [introduces files types; r, w, x permissions; users and groups; whoami; root]
17.2. Setting through chmod [introduces two ways to change permissions]
	$chmod u=rw,g=,o= motd
	$chmod 0660 issue

18. Interactive Editing [introduces concept of key bindings; shows how to set vim or emacs; detailed discussion of emacs keybindings; suggests explore vim on own; prior to discsussion of vim in book]

19. Checking Exit
19.1. Exit Status [introduces exit status; 0 success; $?]
	$echo $?
19.2. if/then [introduces compound command]
19.3. && and ||
19.4. What does an exit status mean?

20. Sub Commands 
20.1. Command Substitution [introduces commmand substitution; breifly introduces adding alias to .bashrc; hidden files, text editing not yet introduced]
	$grep `date +%b` apache_error_log
	.bashrc: alias monthlog="grep `date +%b` apache_error_log"
	$grep $(date +%b) apache_error_log

21. Moving Again [introduces dirctory stack; dirs; pushd dir; pushd; pushd +/- number; popd; illustrates state of state after various example commands]

22. Customizations
22.1. Useful customizations [intro text]
22.2. Variables [assigning, unassigning variables]
	$cd $p
	$unset VAR
22.3. Ordinary Variables and Environment Variables
	$export p
22.4. Shell Variables [describes severeal variables; SHELL, USER, PATH, etc.]
	$echo $HOME
22.5. Controlling Variable Expansion 
	$rm $curr1.jpeg # doesn't work
	$rm ${curr}1.jpeg # works
22.6. The Search Path [brief into to search path; introduction of which]
22.7. Configuration Files [introduction to hidden files; .bashrc; reference to text editor chapter]

23. Parameter Substitution
23.1. Parameter Substitution
	$rm ${curr}.jpeg
	$rm ${curr/file/picture}.jpeg # to change file to picture and rm mypicture.jpg
23.2. Playing Safe With Variables That Don't Exist [introduces :- and :=]
	$cat "${VARIABLE_FILE_NAME:-/home/user/file}"
	$cat "${VARIABLE_FILE_NAME:=/home/user/file}"
23.3. Cutting Corners With Variable Expansion
	$export ALT_LS='--color=always -b -h --filetype'
	$ls $ALT_LS

24. GNU Screen [introduces screen and key combinations for: splitting, copy and paste, detaching, quitting]

25. SSH [intro to ssh, scp, rsync; discourages telnet; detached remoted session using screen]
25.1. SSH
	$ssh -l remoteusername
	$ssh 'mkdir /home/myname/newdir'
25.2. scp: file copying
	$scp yesterday-interview.txt
	$scp user1@host1:file1 user2@host2:otherdir
	$scp -r user1@host1:dir1 user2@host2:dir2
25.3. rsync: automated bulk transfers and backups
	$rsync -e ssh -a /home/myname/docs
25.4. Making life easier when you use SSH often [editing .ssh/config]

26. Git [list of basic git commands: clone, commit, revert; chapter appears incomplete]

27. Installing Software [basic commands for apt-get and yum; brief overview of compling from source]
27.1. Dependencies [introduction to topic]
27.2. Unpack the archive
	$tar zxvf packagename.tar.gz
27.3. Run the configure script
	$./configure --prefix ~/bin/myprogs
27.4. Compile the software
	$make -j3
27.5. Install the software
	$sudo make install

28. Making Your Own Interpreter [source code for bdc; compiling; usage]

29. Text Editors [including nano; omitting vim, emacs, kedit, gedit]
29.1. Text Editors [intro]
29.1.1. Word Processing vs Text Editing
29.1.2. Why do you need a text editor?
29.1.3. Why are most text editors command-line programs?
29.2. Setting a default text editor
	$export EDITOR=emacs

30. Nano [brief intro nano; basic use; start, save, exit]

31. Scripting
31.1. Scripting [intro; sample script]
31.2. Making scripts executable
	$chmod +x
31.3. More Control [examples of if, while, etc.]
31.3.1. if
31.3.2. while (and until)
31.3.3. case
31.3.4. for
31.3.5. parallel

32. Maintaining Scripts [guidelines for maintainable, robust scripts; e.g., "Use descriptive names for your scripts"]

33. Other Languages [introduction; introduces awk, sed, python; other languages omitted]

34. Sed
34.1. The Sed Text Processor
	$wc -c * | sort -n | sed ...
34.2. Basic Syntax and Substitution
	$sed "s/foo/bar/g" inputfile > outputfile
34.3. Sed Experessions Explained [introduces $, ^, *, []]
34.4. Deletion
	$sed "/^$/d" inputfile > outputfile
34.5. Controlling Printing
	$sed -n "s/Mrs\./Ms/p" testfile
34.6. Multiple Patterns
	$echo Gnus eat grass | sed -e "s/Gnus/Penguins/" -e "s/grass/fish/"
34.7. Controlling Edits With Patterns
	$sed "/one/ s/number/1/" testfile > testchangedfile
34.8. Controlling Edits With Line Numbers
	$sed "2,3 s/number/1/" < testfile > testchangedfile
34.9. Scripting SED commands
	$sed -f sedcommands < inputfile > outputfile

35. Awk [basic intro to awk]

36. Regular Expressions [basic intro to regular expressions; operators, ranges, groups, anchoring, etc.]

37. Python [new chapter]

38. Glossary [update for second editing]

Glossary terms that don't appear in text: aptitude, ash, aspell, bug report,
character set, findutils, fontconfig, intltool, kernel-utils, lsof, openssh,
syntax highlighting [some glossary terms only appear in Command Quickie]

39. Command Quickie [to be revised]

Commands in order of presentation: ls, man, info apropos, pwd, cd, mkdir,
rmdir, touch, rm, ln, cp, mv, whoami, passwd, ps, kill, chown, chmod, more,
less, pg, cat, grep, df, echo, file, diff, wc, find, ftp, wget, tar, gzip,
gunzip, zcat, bzip2, bunzip2, bzcat, lynx, mc, emacs, vi, nano, pico, pr, lpr,

40. Outline [proposed outline for a future edition]

41. Credits 


Markdown version with images

A markdown version of the "Introduction to the Command Line" is available on this wiki. It was created from the epub version available at

Source files

Source files, albeit imperfect, are available here