From LibrePlanet
- John requested a blog post soon about this
- Libby and/or Zak will do this about The Witcher 3, a game which is being released this week without DRM
- Zak has to set up list and get them started on Greenpeace and Indiegogo
GPG adoption drive
- Libby says we should try to do this by the end of November before the fundraiser
- Zak is nervous about the timeline but thinks it would be a good time to launch
Metrics homework reportbacks
- Reminded everyone of their tasks
- CFS outreach
- Kxra will try to get the CFS on other sites and blogs
- General LP meeting on Wednesday
- Tentative volunteer meeting on 11/20, which Libby will attend
- Libby and Zak will meet, hopefully on Wednesday, to get Libby working on the Web site
FS Awards
- topper
- processing nominations
- Libby and Zak will talk about this in their Thursday check-in
- additional blog post?
Publications for the week
- Emails
- Blog posts
- Bulletin
- Willie working hard on this and also going to put up the Spring Bulletin
- Supporter translations
- Libby says we should have a better system for it
- Zak says that we should formalize RT work to make sure it is actually getting done
- Assigning responsibility for setting daily goal?
- Assigning responsibility for rando external correspondence that comes in?
- Triage
- Look regularly for urgent tickets
- Redistributing tickets when one person has too many?
- Weekly campaigns meeting could include a review of RT, including long-term tickets like the ones that are 6 months old
- Kxra will prepare response to XBox One and PS4 lauch