Group: Free Software Foundation/CampaignsMeetings/2014-04-22
From LibrePlanet
Willie out in SF
- Willie online Wednesday morning, then offline Wednesday afternoon, all of Thursday and Friday, maybe checking some email. On Monday and Tuesday he will be probably offline but maybe online a little if he feels guilty
- Willie will make a list of anything that he needs campaigns to schedule
APC Free Software Award
- Willie PDTing nomination link
- Libby working on blog post
Day Against DRM (May 6)
- HAZMAT shoot turned out well
- Other people will be available for some help with this, especially the stuff that should be happening quickly
- Willie will do technical stuff
- Suggestion to ask for John's approval: make a canonical page for DaDRM that we use every year, stop making a new one for each year
- Zak will find out if we are launching new site and when.
Planning/Upcoming/Ongoing campaigns
- GPG infographic (May 28)
- Libby and Zak will meet after Libby's check-in with John at approx 3:00 PM
- DBD Launch
- Zak will check in with John about when this launch will happen. Do it with the DaDRM 2-week email?
- Amazon Fire
- Heartbleed follow up
- We will PDT FSFE's blog post
- Nico says that we should shrinkify home/common/libreplanet if possible.
- Zak will check if it is urgent and if so, copy the videos onto his work computer. He will get a volunteer in for cropping and posting the videos.
- Windows 8 campus tour. See: <> and ticket 908649 from RMS
- Willie sent out this email to Windows 8 list
- Should we start using RT due dates for time sensitive stuff?
- Yes! Libby will figure out the best way to do it technically and let us know. Then we'll discuss it a month later in a campaigns meeting. For now, make sure due dates are mentioned somewhere in ticket body as well.
- New EFF tool for emailing congress
- updates