Group: GNU Generation/FAQs
Why does GNU Generation exist?
GNU Generation was created to involve younger people in Free Software. Young people are widely recognized as the most important component of creating any sort of social change. Proprietary software companies recognize this, and give schools their software at little or no cost in order to lock students in. This campaign was created to mobilize young people in the fight for computing freedom.
What exactly is GNU Generation
GNU Generation is an ongoing community for young people in free software. Frequent discussion happens on the [IRC channel irc://].
Do I need to know how to program?
Programming knowledge is helpful when contributing to free software projects, but certainly not necessary to participate! Learning to program may be helpful even if your contributions do not involve code, because the knowledge will make bug testing, documentation, and communication easier. If you would like to learn to program, you can get find more information about C, Scheme, Elisp, or Python.
Why is it important to understand the value of Free Software?
Give a man a fish, and he will eat for the day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime.
How do I start?
It's easy! Just see the getting started page.
What are Tasks?
Tasks are small action items that do not decrease in value when completed by more than one person. They should not take a huge amount of time to complete, but will still be very valuable to the free software community. Tasks can be found in the Task Box. New tasks will show up in the Task Box frequently, so be sure to check back often!
Why would I want to complete tasks?
Every three months (February, May, August, and November) participants will be asked to submit a "task report". Of all of the task reports received, one individual will be selected as "Member of the Month". The Member of the Month will be featured on the FSF Blog, and will receive a special GNU Generation T-shirt not available in the FSF store.
Are there any other advantages to tasks?
While any individual task isn't a huge commitment, they are carefully selected as valuable to the free software community. Especially if you don't have a lot of time, completing a task is a fast and easy way to contribute to free software.
What do I do when I complete a task?
After completing a task from the Task Box, go to the wiki page for that individual task. Edit the page, and add your username to the comma-separated "completed by" list so that it will show up in your profile. Then, write up a short paragraph in the "Results" section about your experiences. You may use the "Discussion" and "Wiki" sections at your digression.
What are projects?
The GNU Generation wiki includes a system that allows members to host projects. This system allows you to more easily collaborate on projects, providing a wiki, blog, and an overview page. It can also serve as a convenient homepage for small projects. Think of it as a miniature Savannah, without version control or file hosting, designed specifically for GNU Generation participants.
How do I create a new project?
Visit Form:GNU Generation project to take advantage of the project system. Add your name to the project to have it show up in your profile.
When are awards given out?
Awards will be given out twice every three months. Once every three months, participants will have the option to submit a "task report". "Task Reports" discuss briefly any tasks (described above) completed since the last task report submitted. Also every three months, "progress reports" will be submitted. Progress reports include all contributions to free software since the last progress report submitted, which may include tasks if desired. From each submission period, one participant will be selected as the member of the month.
What will the awards consist of?
Every winner will be featured on the FSF Blog and receive the GNU Generation official shirt, created through the T-shirt design contest. They will also receive moderator status on the IRC channel.
How will progress reports and task reports be evaluated?
- Free Software values - Those who do not demonstrate a complete understanding of the ideals and concepts of Free Software will not be taken into consideration.
- Value of contribution - The value of work on projects is the most important factor in this decision. Please remember that "value of work" does not equate to "quantity of work". A little bit of quality work is much more valuable than a lot of poor quality work.
- Community participation - Whether you are active on the IRC Channel, helping other people with free software projects, or participating in the, contributing to the GNU Generation community will be factored into judging. Inviting additional members and giving publicity to GNU Generation also fall under this category.