Group: Hardware/Components/GPUs/nvidia
From LibrePlanet
< Group:Hardware | Components | GPUs(Redirected from Group:Hardware/research/gpu/nvidia)
Nvidia GPUs have several freedom issues that are referenced on the table below.
Nonfree software | Effects without the nonfree software or workarounds | Workaround | Workaround consequences | Fix | Existing projects that could be leveraged to fix the problem |
GPU peripheral software | Free peripheral software is generated in the Linux driver for many GPUs. However:
Bytecode: This bytecode is part of the Video BIOS and is parsed and executed by the Linux driver |
? |
The Video BIOS | Use Libreboot or Coreboot with SeaBIOS, put the Video BIOS in memory but don't execute it | The display is initialized very late, when the nouveau driver loads, if the bytecode tables are in the right memory area. | Implement a free Video BIOS replacement either as standalone replacement or in Coreboot and Libreboot. |
- ↑ See the FOSDEM_2015.pdf presentation for more details. The Tegra K1 has no bytecode (as it has no video BIOS).
How to help
Documenting all the freedom issues in depth is a lot of work for one person.
Hopefully it can be broken in many small tasks, so it's easy to help by making a tiny part of the work.
Here are some relatively small tasks that could help:
- Migrate the information in ReverseEngineering#Desktops_and_laptops_GPUs here and make that section point to this article for Nvidia GPUs
- Help completing the table in the introduction section