Group: Promote Free Software/Produced with Free Software

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"Produced with Free Software" by Juan A. Añel

Probably you could have noted an increasing amount of information reaching you with a signature promoting proprietary software and devices with DRM. That is, a lot of people is marketing for free companies, brands and products (software and hardware) that restrict your freedom. If these companies had to pay for this marketing it would probably cost a lot of money. In fact nowadays I know that some of my working colleagues are using devices with DRM and proprietary software not because they say it to me, I know it because they make it explicit in each email, message or document that they compose.

We can also take advantage of this great possibility to promote the use of Free Software. How many people we could make aware of the possibilities of using free software if each email composed with a free email client is signed with something similar to "Produced with Free Software"? And people using Free Software are usually people who don't mind to publicize it.

So let's do it. If you develop an email client, why not to add by default at the bottom of each email composed with it something like "Produce with X, X is Free Software, protects your freedom and privacy. To learn more visit Y". Of course this can be of application to any other software, printed material which could include watermarks, etc.

And then you will realize about the big amount of colleagues and friends around you that use Free Software each day, and in some cases they would also be aware of something that they did not know.

Email clients that already do this