Group: Translation/Status
From LibrePlanet
Status of translations
This page will have the status of "in progress" translations.
The basic data points are:
- URL of original (English) version
- Status ("volunteered", "draft submitted, awaiting reviewer to volunteer", "draft submitted, reviewer volunteered, awaiting review", and "reviewed, awaiting publication", etc.)
- Language (What language are you translating the article/video/etc to?)
- Who is working on it, whether real name or pseudonym
The purpose is to utilize this transparency to help others better see which translations are in need of review.
Please also consider joining the fsf-translators mailing list to communicate translation work translations in progress
- Fight to repair Spanish translation
* Status: Translated and reviewed, but a couple paragraphs were missing so asked for another review * Page: <> * Current working draft is here: <>, which has been recently published
- Fight to repair (Video) Chinese translation
* Status: Translated received by two separate reviewers; sent the original translation to the second person to submit. * File: File:Fight-to-repair cn.vtt * Page: <>
- FSF Heroes Dutch translation
* Status: Translated, send to potential reviewer * File: Group:FSF/FSFHeroes_Video_Translation/nl * Original: Video from <>
- Escape to Freedom, Dutch (Netherlands)
* Status: translation draft received; reviewer has volunteered * File: Group:FSF/Escape-to-Freedom_Translation/nl * Original: Video from <>
- emailselfdefense (Vietnamese)
* Status: In process of being translated * Page: None. Via email at the moment * Questions: What is the best way to translate "server"? (‘server’ is typically translated as ‘máy chủ’, but that means ‘master machine’)
- RMS "A tour of malicious"
* Status: English transcript received * File: File:Rms70-tour-of-malicious-software.vtt