- GLUGOT — Located at the Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, India.
- GLUG GNU/Linux user group of Madurai
The GNU/Linux User Group(GLUG) of Madurai is a community of GNU/Linux users and promoters of Free and Open Source Software. This group was founded in January 2001 and was formerly called "The Madurai LUG". This group has people from all walks of life., academicians, students, industrialists, hobbyists, proffesionals, etc.. The GLUG meets every month in the Thiagrajar College of Engineering campus. All discussions are on the mailing list. Maduri GLUG wiki page
LibrePlanet Madurai 2010
Want to Help?
- Add yourself to the People list below.
- Add stars to your favorite items in the Possible Topics list or add your own ideas to the bottom of the list.
- Share this page with other friends in the community.
- Joshua Gay (User:Josh)
- Deepak Babu (User:Dbabu)
- Karthikeyan NG (User:Intrepid)
- Aswin J
- Kannan R
- Mahesh Ranadeeran
- Sam Sundar
- When?
- Where?
- Planning committee members?
- Joshua Gay (User:Josh)
- Deepak Babu (User:Dbabu)
Purpose of Conference
One important question that came up when discussion the idea of LibrePlanet is what makes us different than conferences like FOSSConf].
We decided that although FOSSConf is a great conference, it is also a conference with a very broad focus. Whereas we hope that LibrePlanet's focus will be more narrowly focused and will primarily aim to bring people together to discuss the social, political, and ethical issues of free software, as well as to help strengthen the community.
Possible Topics
If you like a topic, vote for it by placing a ☆ to it. Also, feel free to add new topics to the end of the list.
- DRM:
- eBook readers
- video services
- ?
- Software patents ☆
- Mentoring in free software projects
- Summer Programs: Google Summer of Code, GHOP, ?
- please add more to this list!