User: Suizi55

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Who am I?

Hi, my name is Sue and I live in Cooloongup which is a suburb of the City of Rockingham, Western Australia. I am married with children, grandchildren, and a dog. I love where I live as it is so close to the sea. I love to swim, walk on the beach and go fishing. I love to read, play computer games and love writing poetry and prose. There is a book in there somewhere, I know!

I have to admit that I have Windows XP Pro on my laptop and my desktop. It came pre-installed on my laptop which was a scholarship that I won at UNI which also has Microsoft Office 2003 on-board - which I have rarely used as it is to much of a hassle to write an essay and include 'footnotes' using another installed program called "Endnotes". I usually do all my serious work on the desktop using OpenOffice. It always works beautifully and although it costs me nothing has always performed better than software that has cost the UNI lots of money. I only use my laptop to play games on now!

All the computers in this house (my hubby has 1, too!) are dual boot. At the moment we are trying out Linux Ultimate. There are so many flavours of Linux it is like being a child in an Ice Cream Shop! Which one do I choose? Once I find the right platform to play all my Windows or Microsoft games - then it is curtains for windows!