Difference between revisions of "FSF italian translations/Blog"

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(Pages Completed)
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ita:[http://www.fsf.org/translations/it/may-4-day-against-drm-ita/ Here]
ita:[http://www.fsf.org/translations/it/may-4-day-against-drm-ita/ Here]
eng:[http://www.fsf.org/news/may-4-day-against-drm Here]
eng:[http://www.fsf.org/news/may-4-day-against-drm Here]
- FSF Appeal 2009 by Peter Brown, Executive Director of FSF
ita:[http://www.fsf.org/translations/it/freedom-is-the-goal-ita/ Here]
eng:[http://www.fsf.org/appeal/2009/freedom-is-the-goal Here]
== Ongoing ==
== Ongoing ==

Latest revision as of 10:01, 5 March 2010

The "FSF italian translations" is a project that aims to translate Free Software Foundation pages from english into Italian.

Pages Completed

-5 reasons to avoid iphone ita:5 reasons eng:5 reasons

-What is Free Software and Why is it so important for society? ita:Here eng:Here.

-TinyOgg ita:tinyogg eng:tinyogg

-What is Free Software? ita: Here eng:Here

-OpenDocument Campaign ita:OpenDocument eng:OpenDocument

-Ask Youtube for OGG support! ita:Ogg-support eng:Ogg-support

-iPad is iBad for freedom ita:iBad eng:iBad

-iPhone campagne ita:iPhone eng:iPhone

-RMS GNU/Linux-Libre! ita:RMS GNU/Linux-libre eng:RMS GNU/Linux-libre

- FSF about ita:About eng:About

- MAC OS X by RMS ita:Mac OS X eng:Mac OS X

- Day Against DRM ita:Here eng:Here

- FSF Appeal 2009 by Peter Brown, Executive Director of FSF ita:Here eng:Here


-" Why Free Software and apple's iPhone doesn't mix " Here