Group: Free Software Foundation/CampaignsMeetings/2013-10-23 reflection meeting

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Latest revision as of 17:04, 23 October 2013


Notes for 10/23/13 reflection meeting (see agenda below)

In attendance: Kxra, John, Libby, Willie, Zak

Big picture

  • Goal of these meetings is to develop a sense of what we get done each month and make goals for the next month
    • Particular focus on developing good systems and following them
    • Tracking of our campaigns is part of this
  • Brainstorming things that we associate with a succesful campaigning organization:
    • Timely -> nimble
    • Consistent in contact
    • Demonstrates progress
    • Consistency in messaging
    • Clear, concise and engaging messaging
    • Accuracy
    • Trustworthy/Legitimate
    • Self-aware
    • Appropriate tactics
    • Transparent
    • Independent
    • Measured responses
    • Relevant
    • Broad appeal
    • Creative
    • Goal-oriented, focused
    • Invites participation
    • Uses support base well
    • Follows up
    • Builds leadership
    • Embodies its ideals
    • Thinks long term
    • Gregarious, networking
    • Works well with others, like coalitions
    • Ambitious but realistic
    • Picking battles
    • Repeatable ways of doing things
    • Data-driven
    • Well-informed
    • Highly visible
    • Approachable
    • Knows how to end campaigns
    • Well-maintained Web site
    • Anticipates criticism
    • Drives narrative around issues
    • Passionate representatives
    • Skilled in use of different media forms


  • Currently tracking for publications
    • News coverage by Google search and Alert
    • Hits by termite
    • Reddit activity by RSS
    • Twitter/ followers, but not hashtag mentions
  • Would like to add
  • Publication goals
    • Widely read
    • Cited by media
    • Inspire people to take action and make donations
    • Predominant player in the narrative around our issues
  • Evaluating our progress towards these goals requires the establishment of baselines
  • What should publication reports be like?
    • Take place at a consistent time after publication
    • Should be appropriate for the importance of the publication
    • Should include a process for deciding what form continued publicity will take
    • Should distinguish between different parts
    • Gets shared around
    • Major actions: 36 hours after publication and 7 hours after publication
    • Minor actions: one week after publication
    • Time of day and day of week

Things we had action on this month

  • LibrePlanet
    • Free Software Awards
    • 2014 site launch with CfS, Exhibitor and volunteer sign-up
  • Defective by Design
    • Guide updates
    • Missed press cycle about EME moving through
  • Nothing on Windows 8
  • Surveillance
    • Two articles from RMS in Wired
  • Community diversity
    • Ada Lovelace Day post
  • GNU
    • 30th anniversary follow-up
  • FreeJS
    • LibreJS post
    • Greenpeace phone calls
    • Decision was made to have developers submit a diff to Indiegogo
  • Signing on to EFF's letter about TPP
  • Zak spoke at Occupy Natick


  • Zak will speak at Digital Media Conference
  • Something for GPG in surveillance
  • More LP stuff
  • Perhaps StopWatchingUs rally
  • Libby may have a speaking engagement at UMass Amherst

Next steps

  • Links in the footers for each list (Willie)
  • Make reporting templates and link them up, then send them out (Zak)
  • Send out these minutes (Zak)
  • Create baseline information for Supporters list (Willie)
  • Find a way to collect press mentions (Libby)

Action report templates

For major actions (Minor actions are the same but without the 36 hour mark)

0 hour info

  • Initial state for lists that we want to track (not necessary for email only actions)
  • Time of day and day of week
  • Name and URL

36 hour report (sent around by email)

  • For each publication
    • Media coverage by URL and good quotes. We should standardize our search procedure for this.
    • Journalist contact

7 day report

Change to email footer links