Group: Defective by Design/Day Against DRM 2010
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Latest revision as of 16:30, 21 November 2019
About the Day Against DRM
Getting Involved
Visit for more on how you can get involved, along with ideas for actions.
Once you've written a blog or decided on an action:
- List your blog/action here
- Take a few minutes to Digg, Dent, or otherwise share the actions listed on this page.
- Link to this list and the Day Against DRM page in posts about your own activism.
List your action here:
Blog Posts and Articles
- Today is Day Against DRM
Help spread the news!
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If you've written something for the Day Against DRM, list it here. Follow this example so that others can easily share your post.
A note on sharing sites: We recommend the and reddit social sharing sites because they follow ethical guidelines and respect their users. Other popular sites for sharing news like Twitter and Facebook are a problem for technology users -- they are set up to lock users to their services and deny them basic privacy and autonomy. But it's important that we let people everywhere know about the dangers of DRM, so if you have an account on these sites, please help spread the word on those sites too. (But don't let sharing important news about DRM lead to further use of such sites.) To people posting links: Facebook and Twitter links are fine, but please post sharing links to and reddit too.
- I-Have-No-Info article "If you would like to join my (xnite) anti-DRM group please join #ProtestDRM on irc.I-Have-No.Info."
- Open Rights Group's Jim Killock "Already in the UK, satellite and cable companies apply DRM to their proprietary High Definition products": Currently, Ofcom are considering whether the BBC should be allowed to apply a form of DRM to the programme guide and subtitles – in order to gain control of the vast majority of UK devices; and to exclude any software or hardware device that does not subject itself to control. Of course, the problems are not just about fair dealing rights in copyright.
- Open Source Church "DRM Takes Away Your Rights": Many times I feel the worst tragedies in human history were complacently faded into without a fight or really any one even noticing. Only then, when things get so horrible, do people finally stand up and say enough is enough. DRM or Digital Restrictions Management very well could end up as one of these.
- Phoebe Ayers "libraries & DRM": Both these examples are egregious moves on the publisher’s part, because they both actively interfere with how patrons can use the products, and they restrict the use of content that is fully purchased by libraries (again, think of a book). And the library community has actively protested DRM use in both of these products.
- Laurel L. Russwurm "DRM exists to allow the seller to control the product, and how we use the product, even after we have paid for it.": Most people don’t know what DRM is, even if they’ve heard of it. Yet it is becoming an ever more prevalent component in our electronics, which are in turn becoming ever more prevalent in our lives.
- No DRM for Me!" mini poster: I put together this "Sita" remix miniposter for the blog post, but since it makes a nice 4"x6" 300 dpi mini poster I put a higher resolution version on my family bulletin board site if anyone wants to print it out.
- MJ Ray "What DRM-avoiding tips would you give?": Today is the Day Against DRM, working against Digital Restrictions Management or Technological Protection Measures (TPM). I’ve two tips to help with our public disservice British Broadcasting Corporation which has consistently failed to act in the public interest and reject DRM...
- Anne van Kesteren "I am not that great on internet memes, but DRM is something I truly despise": Tuesday May 4th has been named day against DRM. I am not that great on internet memes, but DRM is something I truly despise. Long time ago I bought music via the iTunes Store on my iPod Touch. Because of DRM I could not copy it back to my MacBook.
- Matthew Woodward "Here's my suggestion for an action item: free yourself completely from iTunes": Here's my suggestion for an action item: free yourself completely from iTunes. I can't even begin to tell you how much easier it is dealing with all my media since I got completely off of iTunes over a year ago.
- "In addition to it being Star Wars Day, it's also Day Against DRM.": 'Just say no!' Boycott, and raise hell! Let them know we won't stand for it! The rights that count should be the rights of the common man.
- LibrarianActivist "Day Against DRM".
- Robert Pogson "The world should boycott the purveyors of media and hardware encrusted with DRM": Seriously. Read the fine print. Do not accept the EULA and other “agreements” that give others permission to rule your PC. That is merely agreeing to another form of malware, IMHO.
- Pirate Party of Canada "May 4th – The day against DRM".
- Every day is a day against DRM in my world: I'm proud to say I haven't bought a DRM-infested product in years.
- Bruce Houghton "Believe it or not, supporting today's Day Against DRM may be more important than ever": It's an attractive notion to think that DRM is dead in music. In so many senses music is more portable than ever. But it's also important to remember that labels are still asking download retailers to tag each song with an identifier when sold or that those same labels don't believe the portability should extend to an online music locker. And that's just the start...
- Bani "let’s take action and spread the word!".
- Narendra Sisodiya "A product that has a DRM is a non-free product": A product that has a DRM is a non-free product. Its intention is to deny you at least one of the 4 Freedoms.
- RUBBERMAN's story: Over the past 2 1/2 years I have been working assiduously toward an "unencumbered" office. I work as a software and IT consultant and have migrated all my office and business applications from Windows to Linux using FOSS tools as much as humanly possible. I keep encouraging others to do the same and stop being held hostage by Microsoft, Apple, and others. I also switched to an Android phone a couple of weeks ago. In addition, I refuse to purchase any digital artifact that is DRM "protected" including DVD's, music, or eBooks. All of the eBooks I have purchased over the past several years (almost 200) are from publishers who do not so encumber their publications. I firmly believe in the power of the pocket-book, and I am voting with mine! -Rubberman (member IEEE, FSF, ACLU, SFLC)
- Ramblings of a Romanian photographer "May 4th – The day against DRM": Since I am a strong supporter of freedom of choice, I just thought you should know
- Jean-Henry Morin Calls for an Alternative Action: Today, May 4th, is "The Day Against DRM". It's a very sad day ! While I think DRM is fundamentally flawed by design we're still stuck in this extremism debate going nowhere anytime soon. Apple has sold its 1'000'000th (1 million) pad last Friday, 28 days since its launch. 12 million apps downloaded and 1.5 million ebooks. Let's face the facts, compared to the number of signatures collected against the iPad this device is rocking its world despite the DRM issues. Basically, the user experience by far outweighs the problems. I've written an Open Letter to about this on my blog So, here's my proposition for today. It's a call for action: let's unite to propose a "Grassroots DRM Day", a day to co-creatively Rethink and Redesign DRM. Drop me a note if you feel like participating (I'll setup a page in case there's a critical mass of people who want to take action)
- International Day Against DRM: an introduction to DRM and a request to take an action and join the DefectiveByDesign campaign.
- Get ready for "Day Against DRM".. Everyone can contribute: an article that has an introduction to DRM and some practical steps on eliminating DRM.
- An international day against DRM: A personal blog post encouraging people to take an action for the sake of freedom and to join the FSF and FSFE in their ongoing fights.
- Rubén Rodríguez on CSS and crippled DVDs.
- Lucha por tus derechos digitales, apoya el dia Anti-DRM.
- La habitación del gato: Día en contra del DRM
- Re-Vapaus: Día en contra del DRM
- Hyvää DRM:n vastaista päivää!: A basic blog entry outlining problems with DRM.
Portuguese (Brazilian)
- João S. O. Bueno explains DRM: A light on technical details explanation of what is DRM and its historical roots - tried keep it a light reading while providing the reasoning behind the creation of DRM - and why it is selfish and faulty.
Online Actions
- Tag the iPad "defective by design" on Amazon:
"Live" Actions
Boston, MA, USA: FSF Protest @ Apple Store 10:30AM
The FSF was protesting Apple's use of DRM (particularly on the iPhone and iPad) at the Boylston St. Apple Store in Boston, MA. Join us! Share on Reddit |
Indian Libre User Group(ILUG),Kochi,Kerala, India
ILUG Kochi will be conducting meetings at different parts of Kochi City (Kerala,India) to spread awareness about DRM and its evil effects.
- What is DRM and its intension, the conspiracy and the threat to Freedom.
- Discussion on Products having DRM.
- The fight against DRM and the campaigns organized by FSF.
- Discussion on how we can help to eliminate DRM.
- Pledge to fight against DRM.