New York City: All Five Boroughs
From LibrePlanet
Ideas for getting Free Software across to public in New York.
Worries about this very process
- You need different approaches for different demographics
- You cannot use tech strategies to change the minds of non-tech people
- How do we figure the who-when-where to properly address those demographics?
- We have to define the goals?
- Is the goal to just advance revenue/membership of FSF?
- Is the goal to get more people using Free Software?
NYC Subways
- Deface ads
- Do car-by-car subway slogan speaking
- Challenges
- It's illegal (or is it?)
- Cannot be official
Education for Colleges/Universities
- FSF could start a small college to develop software?
- Well, ok, that's a huge job, but maybe a course that would help people learn about Free Software development process.
- But, on the other hand, isn't that too Open-Source-y, not getting the politics out to people.
- Can we show young people and students the community aspects?
- Ethics have to be part of teaching development methodology
- People trying to explore idea of freedom
- What about a class where two competitive teams try to do a particular job?
- Challenges:
- Finding departments/professors that are receptive.
- Need people who can develop courseware
Get Everyone Giving Talks and Speeches
- How many people are off giving talks? How do we get more people giving talks?
- Could prepared speeches be made available?
- no, we need tools and people to help them to learn how to speak.
- Challenges:
- We have to make everyone join toastmasters
- Public speaking is fearful for some
Automatic Donation Links in Emails
- Shouldn't we all have automatic links at the end of the email
- .signature line that gets automatic general
- Challenges:
- bkuhn mentions having tried it but it didn't work well (only Orion gave)
Let's Be A Cult?
- Should we be like the Mormons/Scientologists/Falun Gung
- "Would you like to be contacted later from someone who will teach you about software freedom?"
- But it's so hard to get across the ideas simply; no one knows or cares about software issues. This tact is less effective with such people.
- Challenges
- We don't want to be a cult
Elementary Schools
- Free Software in the elementary schools
- Challenges:
- Very very hard to do education stuff at K-12 levels, particularly in NYC
Need a Philsophically Focused GNU/Linux Distribution
- GNU/Ubuntu
- Would be given out and relates to the cult idea and giving talks/speeches