LibrePlanet: Conference/2014/Conference brainstorm

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If you would like to share a quick idea for a workshop, topic, or a speaker you’d like to see at LibrePlanet, please add your thoughts below. You'll have to use the buttons in at the upper right to sign in to this wiki or make an account.

Theme ideas

  • Free Software Stories (what are some more active ways of saying this?)
    • John says: Share? Shout? Add? Contribute? Document?
    • Share your story / Tell your story
    • Your free software story
  • Grass root (with root in monospaced font) (willie's crowning acheivement)
  • Free Software, Free Society
  • Streaming Stories
  • Community Stories
  • Free Software Generations
  • Going above and beyond
  • Why free software alone is not enough for software user freedom
  • Decolonizing free software
  • Software freedom for whom?
  • Which users get what types of freedom from what aspects of which pieces of software and web services?
  • Moving past our current liberal ideology towards a politics of liberation
  • Adjusting our messaging/behavior accordingly
  • All Together Now
  • Skillshare
  • 30 years
  • Going above and Beyond
  • Streaming
  • Building Community

Workshop ideas

Topic ideas

Speaker ideas

Other suggestions