LibrePlanet: Conference/2014/Lightning Talks

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This page is under construction. Please don't sign up yet.

Lightning talks are five-minute presentations given by conference attendees on free software topics they're passionate about.

If you would like to give a talk, please add a title, short description and (optionally) your name to the time slot you'd like below. You'll also be able to sign up at the conference.

You're welcome to bring a slide deck, as long as it works without requiring proprietary software. We recommend PDF or the .odp format readable by LibreOffice Impress.

If you'd like to suggest a topic but not necessarily give a talk, you're welcome to make a suggestion in the Discussion page for this article.

Lightning Talk Signup (FIXME: TIME)

1:00 - 1:15: Introductions

1:15 -

1:20 -

1:25 -

1:30 -

1:35 -

1:40 -

1:45 -

1:50 -

1:55 -

2:00 -

2:05 -

2:10 -

2:15 -

2:20 -

2:25 -

2:30 -

2:35 -

2:40 -

2:45 -

2:50 - 3:00 Wrap Up