Group: LibreDWG/BuildingWithCygwin
We regularily smoke against cygwin (32bit) and cygwin64. See See the `.appveyor.yml` file for the exact recipes.
Install Cygwin.
In the installer you must open the "devel" list expander and select these packages: 'git, automake, gcc, make, libtool, libxml2, libxml2-devel, libiconv-devel, python2-devel, python2-libxml2, swig, help2man, libcrypt-devel, pcre2'. after installing cygwin, open it and type:
git clone git://
this will fetch our current development code. Enter the directory with:
cd libredwg
I did not find ps-lib package in the cygwin distribution. This package is needed for one of our example programs, which outputs postcript files from a given dwg.
Then in order to build, the common procedure would be the usual:
sh ./configure make make check make install