This is the GNU Ethical Repository Criteria Evaluations (ERC) evaluation checklist for Codeberg, as compiled by the Community Workgroup for Libre Forge Software and Ethical Repository Hosts.
The text of each criteria in the checklist table is a hyper-link to the relevant section of the ERC.
Please send any questions or comments to the repo-criteria-discuss mailing list.
ERC Checklist for Codeberg
C0 - Freely licensed JS for essential features
C0-0 - Either: 'B0' with CCS for client-code scripts, or 'A0'
C0-1 - Libre interpreters, "trans-pilers", and input sources
C1 - No non-free client requirements
C2 - No discrimination
C3 - Tor access
C4 - Non-odious TOS
C5 - Recommends GPLv3-or-later
C6 - HTTPS access
B0 - Compatible with LibreJS (or equivalent tool) NOTES: some scripts are not labeled, uses the name "MIT" for expat license.
B1 - No tracking
B2 - Does not encourage unclear licensing
B2-0 - Explains each of the licensing options
B2-1 - Explains the importance of license notices
B3 - Does not recommend non-free licenses
A0 - Fully-functional without client-side scripts
A1 - Freely-licensed server-side code
A2 - Prefers GPLv3-or-later projects NOTES: It encourages all free software licenses equally, copyleft and non-copyleft.
A3 - Offers AGPLv3-or-later
A4 - Does not permit non-free licenses NOTES: It permits though it does not recommend not having a license.
A5 - Does not recommend SaaSS NOTES: TODO
A6 - Does not mention “Open Source” NOTES: No, as they use the neutral term "Free and Open Source Software" and "Open Source", like in their Mission Statement:
A7 - Clearly endorses software freedom NOTES: No, as it's a mix. In their mission statement they say "Open Source" and "Free and Open Source Software": On the other hand, their "What is Codeberg?" page unilaterally says "Free Software":
A8 - Refers to GNU/Linux, wherever applicable
A9 - Requires thorough and clear licensing NOTES: No.
A-plus 0 - Registration not required
A-plus 1 - No logging NOTES: The server log files can contain client IP addresses and user agent strings from connecting computers. However, these log files are destroyed automatically within at most seven days.(Source: )
A-plus 2 - Follows EFF guidelines
A-plus 3 - Conforms to WCAG standard NOTES: TODO
A-plus 4 - Conforms to WAI-ARIA standard NOTES: No. It may not be an Accessible Rich Internet Application, but it's an easy to navigate website for hosting projects.
A-plus 5 - Complete data exportability NOTES: No. It might be possible one day though.(Does git count?)
A-plus 6 - Prefers AGPLv3-or-later projects
A-plus 7 - Helps or reminds users to put license notices