User: Grossmei/dbd alternatives

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Revision as of 17:51, 2 December 2011 by Magicfab (talk | contribs) (Smart Phones)
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This is a page inspired by a conversation on Diaspora about the DBD 2011 Holidays page. In it there are very few alternatives presented for those wishing to partake in ethical consumer choices during this season.

Here are some alternatives I could find.


Video Games

  • List of Open Source Video Games at Wikipedia
    • Take the subset of that page which is both Free Software and the content is also a Free Cultural Work (some on that list aren't)


Smart Phones and Tablets

Although Android is often described as being "open source", current devices include non-free drivers and software that implement many restrictions making such devices essentially non-free.

However, several devices can use alternative firwmare (also referred to as "ROM") like CyanogenMod which combined with the following simple advice brings as much control as you can have today on such devices:

Current source code for CyanogenMod can be used to build such ROMs for Nexus S, with other devices coming up. The Replicant project also aims to have a 100% free implementation of Android, watch its site for compatible devices.