LibrePlanet: Conference/2009/OpenConference
Free Software in Latin America
Well, I guess I'll feel free to post about something I want to organize for Sunday. From what I know, we'll be having a panel discussion on Saturday with report-backs from around the world about government (?) adoption of free software. However, the movement in Latin America is so expansive, mature and exciting that people need to know about all the inspirational projects happening throughout the region. So, with an open invitation to collaborate on this with people coming from Latin America (some of whom I already know), I'd like to organize a larger presentation about the free software movement in Latin America. Before the conference, I'll be getting updates from people I know who are deeply involved in the movement in Brazil, Ecuador, Venezuela, Paraguay, Cuba and Argentina. I'm going to collect these updates into a paper hand-out as well as put something up on the web about it. Anyone who is interested in participating or developing this presentation, please get in touch with me (see Ryan Bagueros for contact details. In the meantime, you can get a preview in English at ... sorry that this is the only thing on this page at this time; it'll get filled in as more people come with ideas.