running makeicecat in devuan
+ mv compare-locales icecat-68.4.1/l10n
+ cd icecat-68.4.1
+ shopt -s nullglob
+ shopt -u nullglob
++ cd /n/icecat/icecat/data/files-to-append
./ Zeile 91: cd: /n/icecat/icecat/data/files-to-append: Datei oder V
erzeichnis nicht gefunden
++ find . -type f -print
+ for file_to_append in $(cd $DATA/files-to-append; find . -type f -print)
+ echo Appending new data to the end of file: ./intl/locales/fi/hyphenation/LICENSE
Appending new data to the end of file: ./intl/locales/fi/hyphenation/LICENSE
+ cat /n/icecat/icecat/data/files-to-append/./intl/locales/fi/hyphenation/LICENSE
cat: /n/icecat/icecat/data/files-to-append/./intl/locales/fi/hyphenation/LICENSE:
Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
running makeicecat from Antonio Trande in devuan
- needs gprename from the package gprename. prename is a link to file-rename. update-alternatives doesn't work. file-rename doesn't know -b