Group: LibrePlanet Ohio

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About us

The LibrePlanet Ohio Team is a group of hackers, volunteers, and activists organized around furthering the ideals of free software and related issues concerning digital rights as necessary means for a free society. We operate in accordance with the LibrePlanet Mission Statement and Code of Conduct.

This group is working towards a free society through free software, but we are not just a GNU/Linux User Group. We may promote any software that respects the freedom of its users. We are a team with a mission! We recognize that some people choose to make compromises, temporary or otherwise, with proprietary software, and some who may not always say GNU/Linux, or "free software" instead of "open source", and we welcome those people to join us and discuss their thoughts, but as a LibrePlanet team, we frame terms accordingly. We are open to people of all levels of interest in free software and welcome new participants. We are all united in the fight for software freedom as an important and necessary means for the prospect of a free society.


  • Educate
    • Inform the public about free software
  • Advocate
    • Promote free software tools through projects, campaigns, and events
  • Supply
    • Provide materials and increase the availability of free software
  • Support
    • Offer local help getting and using free software
  • Unite
    • Bridge connections between free software activists and users

Join us

To become a member of the LibrePlanet Ohio Chapter, please

  • Join our team list by adding {{user OH}} anywhere on your profile
  • Contact our Team Leader Rob via email,
  • Join our IRC channel: #lp-us-oh on FreeNode
  • Tell your friends or random strangers!
  • Participate!


  • No current schedule for meetings.


Ohio LinuxFest 2019?


Until the mailing list is up and running, please send all queries to

You may reach the team via IRC (see above)


LibrePlanet Ohio
Note Free software hackers, activists, and volunteers from Ohio
Region North America
Area United States of America
Available language(s) English
Contact Rob Musial
Members 7
Current status Active (starting up)