User: IShareFreedom

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"Creo que todo usuario merece tener el control sobre su propia informática y esto solo es posible con software libre".

Mi relación con el movimiento del software libre

Distribuyo software libre para computadoras personales, instituciones educativas y organizo a LibrePlanet Temuco, un equipo de activistas por el movimiento del software libre. También trabajo como traductor inglés-español para la Free Software Foundation. y otros proyectos.


correo electrónico.
mensajería instantánea

Founding Documents.png

So that the name 'LibrePlanet' is strongly associated with a clear goal, and so individual groups can cooperate and collaborate effectively, all LibrePlanet participants agree with this set of founding principles:

Mission Statement
Code of Conduct

Add this box to your profile page to indicate you support these documents and agree to work in accordance with LibrePlanet's Mission Statement and Code of Conduct.

Simply add the following line to your user page:

{{Founding Documents}}

Button-gnuhead.png This user knows that GNU's Not Unix.
Linuxlibre.png Member of the Linux-libre group.
Button-trisquel.png This user is using Trisquel.

Button-churchofemacs.jpg This user is a holy member of the Church of Emacs, and uses only free software on their computer.
Gnu-hurd.png This user supports the evolution of the GNU Hurd Kernel.
FSS This user is subscribed to the Free Software Supporter newsletter.

H-node.png Member of the h-node group.
ODF-logo-small.png This user supports the Open Document Format.

Not-f-d.png Not Facebook'd !
You won't find me on Facebook
Windows-trashing.png This user a member ofWindows 7 Sins — and is informing the world of the seven major areas where Microsoft Windows hurts all computer users: invading privacy, poisoning education, locking users in, abusing standards, leveraging monopolistic behavior, enforcing Digital Restrictions Management (DRM), and threatening user security.
Button-fsfmember.png This user supports the Free Software Foundation's actions all around the world and on the world wide web.
Button-dbd.png This user is interested in contributing to Defective by Design.
Button-playfreedom.png This user is playing free media formats.
Swpat-logo-small.png This user is interested in contributing to End Software Patents.