57-switching to FS/Blog

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Shachnev Dmitry, 17.08.2009

Our VKontakte club

This club contains:

  • Links to download Free Software (Firefox, Thunderbird, VLC .., for all operating system
  • List of popular GNU/Linux distributions (Ubuntu, Mandriva, Fedora... ) with links to download
  • List of popular programming languages with links to their OpenSource IDEs and compilers (many people who program on Delphi don't know about FPC and Lazarus.

Now I don't give the links because the navigation and pages design are being redeveloped.

Shachnev Dmitry, 09.09.2009

Alt Linux will be installed in our school

Alt Linux 2009 School (based on Mandriva and using KDE 4.3) will be installed in our school by the end of the year. Now I've tested it well and IMHO it's very good.