Short Circuit Production

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Revision as of 12:58, 8 May 2010 by Agnucius (talk | contribs) (A stance allowing us to treat Abundance and Freedom as though they were good.)
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A stance allowing us to treat Abundance and Freedom as though they were good.

When a Consumer of Apples owns the Tree, he might hire someone to pick that fruit, and must pay all other Costs as well, but does not even have a chance to pay Profit because the Exchange of those Goods does not even occur when they are already the property of the person who needs them.

If a Worker were a co-owners in the Means of Production of that which he *Consumes*, then Price is as low as possible -> Price *equals* Cost because he doesn't buy the Product, but owns it already as a "side effect" of his ownership in the Physical Sources.

We must support Workers "from below" by helping them own the Physical Sources of that which they Consume.

Profit is undefined in this "short circuit" scenario because the product is already be in the hands of those that will finally use it. This means Price is minimized to exactly the real Costs of production and Profit is 'undefined'.

The Workers will be unable to prop-up Wages since they do not have ownership in the orchard beyond that which they need for their own Consumption, and so cannot keep other workers from under-bidding for that job.

So the only safety I can see for the Workers is to protect their ability to Consume by helping them co-own their own portion of Physical Sources that will supply them with the goods they need to consume.

This arrangement also protects us from the 'dangers' of automation and robotics, and all other forms of abundance.