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Securing the Sensitive Data on Your iPhone

One of the best devices to have come out of this decade is the iPhone. This device undoubtedly has made a great effect of change in the realm of technology today. Take a look at all the computers and mobile phones that have come out ever since the iPhone came. There is a rise in touch screen technology, a need for tablets and mobile internet. All of these developments started off with the iPhone.

In spite how amazing and wonderful the device is, it's mobile operating system the iOS is not 100% secure. There were reported loopholes and vulnerabilities that hackers could take advantage of. The worse thing that they can do is to get access of all your personal information in it. That is why it is very important to secure your iPhone and prevent this kind of threat to happen. Here are the things you can do.

Do not connect to unsecure networks

When you see an unsecured wireless connection, try not to connect to it immediately. You have to make sure you have done enough research before doing so. This is very important especially in public places. When you are inside an establishment, maybe you can ask them of the name of their official network first. This helps ensure that you are connecting to the correct and secure network. Some hackers could actually take advantage of wireless connections to your phone. There are ways to which they could gain access to all your sensitive data through this.

Wi-Fi login pages

Aside from being able to make sure what wireless network you are connecting on, you also have to make sure not to easily click on any agreement when these networks ask you to proceed to a certain login page when using the Wi-Fi. Be careful of these things especially when they ask you confidential and unusual information like credit card numbers, addresses, phone numbers, etc. This is called the phishing scam technique that a lot of abusive users have been doing. Disconnect to the network immediately if you notice something like this.

Lock your phone

The iPhone comes with a passcode lock that you can activate. This will give you the option to set a specific number combination to use when opening the iPhone. This helps prevent unauthorized access to the phone. You can set it to activate on different times on the settings. The important thing is to make sure that when you leave it for a while, no one can easily open it.

Secure Your Mail

Most people use Mail on the iPhone for important communications. So, it is highly recommended to turn on the SSL or Secured Sockets Layer option on the Advanced settings of every account you have set up. This will allow you to send encrypted mails that will be very hard for hackers to view in case they would want to try to break in the system and view your messages.

When you have done all of those security measures above, your iPhone will be safe from all of the malicious activities that hackers do. Though there are some legitimate and good reasons to spy on a mobile phone, some hackers still prefer to abuse the system and the method for their own pleasure. So, the least we could do is to be very careful.