Group: Manchester/2008-12-08/Minutes
Manchester Free Software Minutes
19:00, Monday 8th December 2008
Attendance: Simon, Dave, Tim, Lucy, Michael, Matt M
Apologies: None
Last Meeting
The minutes of the last meeting on 10th November 2008 were read and approved.
It was announced that Matt has been appointed the new treasurer.
Room booking
Lucy announced that she had spoken to David Edwards at the MDDA, who is currently confirming the dates for MFS meetings up until June. Lucy expects David to get back to us within the net week.
Lucy announced that Steven Flower, from, has agreed to speak about Plings in May.
Tim mentioned that he has a number of ideas for future speakers, including someone from Microsoft that he met at the recent Liverpool Barcamp.
Michael pointed out that it would be nice to have workshops or tutorials at some future meetings.
Dave suggested that we should invite someone from the mono or Moonlight projects to give us a talk.
ACTION: Tim to update the wiki with speaker suggestions. ACTION: Tim to contact someone at Microsoft to give a talk. ACTION: Dave to contact someone from the mono or Moonlight project to give a talk.