Group: Free Software Foundation/CampaignsMeetings/2013-07-23
Campaigns Meeting Agenda 07-22-2013
Present: John, Zak, Willie, Libby
- Draft plan for campaign: Zak
- Main item is to improve the resources in the free software directory. Expand entries and revamp visually. Zak will take lead
- Announcement timing and our response (This needs to be well under way before Zak leaves for vacation)
- Keeping Netflix boycott moving, capitalize on press we're getting
Action items:
- Blog post w/ sell your stock ask: Publish by COB Thursday
- Continue social media push
- Continue to refine our messaging
- Reach out to the people who wrote about us (Willie will help with press outreach)
- Timing: this week
GNU 30
- There is a draft plan on brains
- Schedule Hackfest/mini conference meeting later this week
- VIP invitations and venue research and planning docs done this week
- FreeJS: Greenpeace email is out. Will get page on, possibly own domain with redirect
- Willie will draft media goblin release, including libreplanet 2014 group signup ask, for Thursday
Form for RT publication tickets to standardize information for Willie. Maintain on brains but make a template