LibrePlanet: Conference/2014/Lightning Talks

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This page is under construction. Please don't sign up yet.

Lightning talks are five-minute presentations given by conference attendees on free software topics they're passionate about.

If you would like to give a talk, please add a title, short description and (optionally) your name to the time slot you'd like below. You'll also be able to sign up at the conference.

You're welcome to bring a slide deck, as long as it works without requiring proprietary software. We recommend PDF or the .odp format readable by LibreOffice Impress.

The lightning talks won't be streamed. If you'd like to suggest a topic but not necessarily give a talk, you're welcome to make a suggestion in the Discussion page for this article.

Lightning Talk Signup (FIXME: TIME)

1:00 - 1:15: Introductions

1:15 -

1:20 -

1:25 -

1:30 -

1:35 -

1:40 -

1:45 -

1:50 -

1:55 -

2:00 -

2:05 -

2:10 -

2:15 -

2:20 -

2:25 -

2:30 -

2:35 -

2:40 -

2:45 -

2:50 - 3:00 Wrap Up