Group: Free Software Foundation/CampaignsMeetings/2014-04-07
Campaigns Meeting 2014-04-07
New business
- Amazon Fire
- Libby will look into opportunities. Upcoming events, etc.
- Apple campaign
- Update Apple page to be more about patents, ask people to boycott apple. Look into creating more general page that integrates our criticism of Windows, OS X, iOS, etc.
Planning/Upcoming/Ongoing campaigns
- Day Against DRM (May 6)
- Planning to do photoshoot with the HAZMAT suits
- Other people will be available for some help with this, especially the stuff that should be happening quickly
- GPG infographic (May 28): should this be the soft launch date with hard launch on the Snowden leak anniversary on June 5?
- Yes
- Revamping our campaigns
- Libby will plan a date for the next meeting
- There are also a bunch of tickets for tasks that were agreed upon in the meeting. Libby will make tickets for them.
DbD launch
- Zak will get John the edited Keurig post by late morning so he can approve it before he gets on his plane in the early afternoon
Other updates
- Reset the Net updates
- Intel inside sticker--can we make this?
- EFF wants to relaunch Tor challenge and have our help. John asked for more info. Maybe Steve Revilak and Dan Fitzmartin could do it together.