Group: LibreDWG/TestSuite
Test Suite for LibreDwg
The aim of the Test Suite is to test the reading and writing capabilities of LibreDwg for various versions of DWG files. The Test Suite is divided in two parts.
1) XML Suite
2) Unit Tests
XML Suite
XML suite contains various dwg files. Each dwg file contains one single object like Line, Ray, Construction Line, etc. XML Suite also contains a jpg file for each dwg file. All entity information of each file is stored in the form of text file. These text file were automatically generated by AutoLISP script. These text files are then converted into XML by a python script.
Every DWG file will have a corresponding XML file. The XML file will have all properties of elements in DWG file. For Example A DWG file with a single line with starting coordinate as (1.2354668,4.5698759,-12.567988), end coordinate as (-4.26648,56.5648985,54.567989), color as "red", lineweight as 2.25, layer as "LAYERNAME", linetype as "dotted", linetypescale as "1.25" and so on... The xml file can have a strucutre as follows
<?xml version="1.0" encoding='UTF-8'?> <DwgEntity> <line id="123456789" StartX="1.2354668" StartY="4.5698759" StartZ="-12.567988" EndX="-4.26648" EndY="56.5648985" EndZ="54.567989" Color="red" Lineweight="2.25" Layer="LAYERNAME" Linetype="dotted" Linetypescale="1.25" /> </DwgEntity>
When the XML Suite is executed, the same DWG files are then read by a C Program which then outputs the XML in the same format as above. Then both the XML's are compared to generate the report regarding the support of LibreDWG for each format.
Current output of XML Suite is as follows:
Output for 2000 Format Circle.xml was read 20% Attribute Details The value of radius is 5.25, It should be 5.2564 ... ...
Running the testsuite
To run the testsuite, you just to run
make check
. It will first run the XML Suite and then execute the Unit Tests.
Viewing the results
After running the test, a new results.htm file will be created. Open the file in a browser to view the results.
Many of the attributes don't match and there is no information regarding them. The HTML Result generated contains only result of XML Suite. DejaGNU has not provision to output html file.