OpenConferenceSchedule (LP09)

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High Priority Projects

Free Network Services


9:30 — 10:00


10:00 — 10:15

Welcome to the unconference — Matt Lee and Rob Myers

10:15 — 10:30

Welcome back! — Deborah Nicholson and John Sullivan

10:30 — 11:00

Figuring out the day

11:00 — 11:45

11:45 — 12:15

12:15 — 13:15

13:15 — 13:45

13:45 — 14:15

14:15 — 14:45

14:45 — 15:15

15:15 — 15:45

15:45 — 16:15

16:15 — 16:20

16:20 — 16:25

16:25 — 16:30

16:30 — 16:35

16:35 — 16:40

16:40 — 16:45

16:45 — 16:50

16:50 — 16:55

16:55 — 17:00

17:00 — 17:30