Group: IceCat/icecat-help

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Revision as of 00:11, 22 January 2016 by Jc gargma (talk | contribs) (Added work-around to spellcheck dictionary installations)
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IceCat does not work on Windows---

There is currently an issue where new installations of IceCat will appear to not run, or instantly crash on Windows.

The current work-around for this issue to adjust the hardware acceleration options of IceCat.

To do so:

We need to open Command Prompt. (The basic system search can find it as either command prompt, or cmd.exe)

Now to path to where IceCat is extracted. Type cd place\icecat\is\extracted\ (Example, cd Users\username\Downloads\icecat\)

Type icecat --safe-mode

Select run in safe mode

Enter about:config into the address bar

Search for gfx.direct2d.disabled

Set it to true

IceCat should now no longer crash on run.

Spellcheck Dictionaries fail to install from

There is currently an issue where one-click installations of spellcheck dictionaries fail to install.

The current work-around is to download the dictionary .xpi manually, and extract it using an archiving tool.

To do so:

Manually download the dictionary .xpi of your choice. (Choose a mirror from, click the dictionaries folder, and then "save link as" the .xpi of your choice.)

Extract the contents of the .xpi.

Move the extracted .aff and .dlc files to the icecat/dictionaries directory.

The IceCat spellcheck context menu should now offer the new language.