User: Rhockens

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Revision as of 06:38, 3 June 2019 by Rhockens (talk | contribs)
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Writer Topics of Interest Git Python
Astika Nehra Python and Jupyter for numpy, matplotlid, panda; Sentiment Analysis using "tweepy"; Unix Commands for Security Audits, Network Status (ifconfig, ping, tracert, whois, nslookup, dig)
Patrick Geahan Any of the Basics, Commands, Advancd-ish or Advanced sections; Nano editor; Bash scripting
John B. Wyatt IV Bash, Bash scripting, Git, Automation *
Severino Tessarin Python, Vim, regex *
Vicente Eduardo Ribeiro Marçal Python *
Akul Vohra Python, Jupyter *
Muhammad Raza Python, Git, Jupyter, Unix Commandline * *
Sarah Masud Python and/or Juypter *
Barett McGavock Git *
Paula de la Hoz Garrido Security
troy Any topic or issue that needs attention.
Alexander Tolios Any. flexible (preferences: git, vim, ssh, system administration, general cli usage), basically anything from the chapters 'basic', 'commands', 'advanced-ish', 'advanced' (except the 'interpreters'-subchapter) and 'editors' would be fine by me.
Dave Rowson General command-line usage, Vim, ssh and rsync
Pablo Correa Gomez General command-line usage, Emacs, Git, scripting *