Group: LibrePlanet South Florida

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LibrePlanet South Florida is a libre software and culture advocacy group focused on efforts in Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties.

We support the LibrePlanet mission and adhere to the code of conduct.

Join Us!

Stake your claim as part of South Florida's free software community. To participate, just create an account here and email your username to for help signing up. See below for more information about programs and future events. Membership is gratis and we offer the following benefits and services:

  • Fun workshops and presentations
  • Libre software recommendations
  • Technical support for GNU
  • Hardware recommendations
  • Tutoring for libre programming languages


Are you passionate about libre software and culture? Do you want to meet awesome people that share your interests? Do you want to be part of the best LibrePlanet volunteer team right in your hometown?

All you have to do is send an email to expressing your interest and we'll get you set up. Make sure to mention if you have any relevant skills or connections you'd like to share.

While you wait for a reply, feel free to take a look at what we're working on and upcoming events. You'll also find some great resources we've put together.

Regular Meetings

  • Monthly GNU user group meeting TBA
  • Monthly IRC hang out TBA
  • Street team most Saturdays TBA

Upcoming events



Here are pages on the wiki we pioneered and our handouts. Feel free to distribute the handouts, but we ask that you please not post or leave them anywhere if you do not have permission to do so.


Making money as a libre software programmer



This is a prioritized list of our main actionable goals and the benchmark at which we celebrate and reevaluate it's priority.

  • Recruit members. Reevaluate: 6 members
  • Form relationships with other local organizations and events. Reevaluate: 1 relationship
  • Increase libre software and GNU awareness. Reevaluate: 50% awareness (half surveyed know what libre software and GNU is)
  • Increase libre software adoption. Reevaluate: 5% GNU on personal computers (1 in 20 surveyed that have a personal computer run GNU on one of them)


This is a to-do list of tasks that will help us reach our goals. Make sure to let us know if you can help with any of these tasks!

  • Choose a venue to hold monthly user group meetings
  • Make a list of all upcoming events where it might make sense to have a presence
  • Choose advocacy materials
  • Make/get copies of advocacy materials
  • Take a baseline survey


Lead Organizer: Roberto Beltran

Orange Shark

LibrePlanet South Florida
Note South Florida group for Free Software Users and Activists
Region North America
Area United States of America
Available language(s) English
Contact Roberto Beltran
Current status Active