Going NoPhone

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Revision as of 01:43, 17 September 2019 by Robertobeltran (talk | contribs) (Otherwise communicating with family and friends)
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Almost all cellphones are full of proprietary software and have other anti-features, like being tyrant devices. According to Replicant there is currently no ideal smartphone in terms of privacy, security or freedom. Even less-than-ideal devices can be too expensive for many. This article is meant to help people who are considering going (or maybe have to go) NoPhone.

Making phone calls

If you have not used a landline in a long time (or ever), keep in mind that sometimes you may need to put 0 or 1 in front of a phone number to make the call and that sometimes you need to press 9 to dial out before you can dial the actual phone number.

Leverage phones in places where you spend most of your time

Make use of landline phones that may already be available in your home, at work, school, university, etc.

Know where there are phones available to you for gratis use

  • If you have a bank account, there may be a public phone at a branch that you can use.

Know where there are payphones in your area

  • Some shopping malls have pay phones
  • Some libraries have pay phones

Asking strangers to borrow their phone

In a pinch you might need to borrow a phone from someone. Try to exhaust all your other options first.

Otherwise communicating with family and friends

If you cannot convince your friends or family to give up proprietary software, you might be able to convince then to use a matrix client like Riot.im. You can then use any libre matrix client to make voice and video calls, chat, and send files to them.

You might also be able to communicate via email.

Keeping track of contacts

Keeping track of events

Taking notes

Keeping track of time

Maps and navigation

Needing light


Listening to music on the go

General tips and tricks

LibrePlanet people who have gone NoPhone

Here are testimonials from people who have gone NoPhone.