LibrePlanet: Conference/2022/quiz game notes

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Trivia game Q & A & Ns (Notes)

I am thinking about one of the four essential freedoms of the Free Software Definition.

  • 2; copy
  • It involves replicating 0s and 1s which remain intact, as you received them.

How many unique visits does receive in 2021 year?

  • 2,190,395

The FSF campaign's team manages 15 campaigns, which one am I thinking of?

  • Surveillance
  • It includes our Email Self-Defense guide
  • designed to help Protect your freedom and privacy
  • I'll name drop, Thomas Drake.

How many associate members does the FSF currently have?

  • 4803

Converting binary to decimal what is 00001101? (I'm going to read this left to right.)

  • 13

How many unique visits does receive in 2021 year?

  • 20,428,667

Q: About how many attendees registered for this year.

  • About 650

Q: What job opportunity is currently open at the FSF?

Q: Name a free software videoconferencing program that can replace the proprietary Zoom program.

  • A: Jitsi, Big Blue Button, Jami,, [some clients using

Tox library], [other answers considered]

  • this way everyone gets at least a 1/4 point.

Q: What is this year's LibrePlanet conference theme?

  • Living Liberation


  • 14 in LP21

Q: In which year was the first publication of the Free Software Definition?

  • A: 1986
  • The earliest-known publication of the definition was in the February 1986 edition[2] of the now-discontinued GNU's Bulletin publication by the FSF.

Q: From the GNU Project what program is the name of a stand-alone memory allocation library.

Q:What was the name of the infamous (or famous) student organization that was associated with the early hacker culture at MIT involving trains?

  • Tech Model Railroad Club (TMRC) is a student organization at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
  • Originally founded in the 1946-1947 school year.

Bonus Q: What was the scale?

  • H0 scale model

Q: In which editing program was Emacs originally implemented?

  • A: TECO, short for Text Editor & Corrector
  • Emacs was originally implemented in TECO macros,
  • The original EMACS was written in 1976 by David A. Moon and Guy L. Steele Jr. as a set of Editor MACroS for the

TECO editor, and was ported by Richard Stallman the same year.

Bonus Q: What year was TECO developed?

  • TECO was developed in 1962

Q: Where on the FSF web site can one find more information about being a volunteer?

Q: In 2014, the NSA constructed a $1.5 billion data center. In which US state is it located?

Bonus Q: What is it called?

  • Intelligence Community Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative Data Center

Q: What are the five countries which are a part of the intelligence alliance known as the 5 eyes program?

  • USA, Britain, Australia, Canada, New Zealand.
  • Edward Snowden, famous whistle blower and a keynote speaker at LibrePlanet 2016, "supra-national intelligence organisation that does not answer to the known laws of its own countries"

Q: What is the term coined by the FSF to describe devices that are built with free software, but that use technical measures to prevent the user from making modifications to the software.

  • tivoization

Q: In the early 2000s, the city council of Munich, Germany voted to migrate from Windows to GNU/Linux. What was the name of their GNU/Linux distribution?

  • LiMux

Bonus Q: What was its default user interface?

  • KDE Plasma 5

Q: Name the phenomenon of an abundance of already existing and the continued creation of new free software licenses.

  • License proliferation

Q: In the GNU GPLv3, what freedom is clarified in Section 4. Or what is the title of section 4?

  • Conveying Verbatim Copies.

Q: From the GNU project what is the name of the program which is a non-interactive command-line text editor.

Q:What system does the FSF use for the website?

  • plone
  • plone was first released in October 2001 and the FSF started using it in 2004

Q: Initially released in January 2, 1994, name this popular and widely used 3D computer graphics software toolset.

  • Blender

Bonus Q: What is Blender licensed under?

  • GPL-2.0-or-later

Q: The concept of copyleft was described in Richard Stallman's GNU Manifesto in 1985; however, there is an early reference to copyleft made by Li-Chen Wang in June 1976. What was the name of the program it was applied to?

  • Palo Alto Tiny BASIC
  • distribution notice "@COPYLEFT ALL WRONGS RESERVED"

Q: Does the GPL require that source code of modified versions be posted to the public?

  • No. In private you have the freedom to do what you wish.
  • But if you release the modified version to the public in some way, the GPL requires you to make the modified source code available to the program's users, under the GPL.

Q: In the AGPLv3, what section describes the requirement to offer all users interacting with the program remotely through a computer network to receive the source code.

  • Section 13
  • First released in 2007

Q: In the world of copyright law, what is the name of the international agreement governing copyright which has 179 contracting parties?

  • Berne Convention

Bonus point for the full name.

  • Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works

Q: In 1974 Theodore Nelson published a book often considered the first book about the personal computer. What are the names of that book?

  • Computer Lib/Dream Machines

Bonus points for the full names.

  • Computer Lib. You can and must understand computers NOW
  • Dream Machines. New Freedom through Computer Screens- a Minority Report

Q: Where was the number 3 host to the original ARPANET located?

  • University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB)

Bonus Q: What is the name of the center that hosted the servers.

  • Culler-Fried Interactive Mathematics Center's

Q: Who is considered history's first computer programmer.

  • Ada Lovelace
  • published the first algorithm intended for Charles Babbage's analytical machine.

Q: From the GNU project what is the name of the program which is a typesetting system that reads plain text mixed with formatting commands and produces formatted output.