LibrePlanet: Conference/2012/Registration

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Welcome to LibrePlanet 2012 registration.

Before we proceed, we wanted to make you aware of four things for the conference.

Registration cost

  • For non-FSF members, the registration fee is $60.
  • FSF-associate members and conference speakers can attend without charge.

Please consider joining us as an associate member.


  • Breakfast and coffee/tea/soft drinks will also be provided on both days, gratis, to all attendees.
  • Registrations after March 19th will need to provide their own lunch.

Anti-harassment policy

Our Anti-harassment_policy for the conference. Please read it and follow it all times during the conference.

LibrePlanet 2012 t-shirt

We're going to have a new shirt for this conference, available in regular and ladies cuts, with sizes from Small to 3XL.


Thanks, and we'll see you at the conference.

Register now (Seeing an error? Try again, we're expecting to get a lot of registrations for this event. Please try again later.)