User: Hyunin

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Revision as of 20:33, 9 October 2011 by Hyunin (talk | contribs)
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LibrePlanet 여러분 반갑습니다! I'm Hyunin LEE, living in Statesboro, just immgrated from Seoul, Republic of Korea. I'm interested in a cool way to recommend Free Software, even non-experts.

When I was in ROK, I had run an event. It was RECOMMEET 2010 that matches my interests and had ran with new members of Linux User Group in an university that I went. But It was not good enough to achieve my goal and others.

In autumn, 2011, I and new collaborators from out of my university ran Software Freedom Day 2011 Seoul. There were 7 collaborators, about 60 audiences. It was a pizza party with some short, not routine presentation related with Free Software.

After a week, I immigrated to the USA with my parants, and learning English as second language, Statesboro, and USA.

There is also my profile.