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Questions to Educational Institutions Who Have Adopted Free Libre Software
Please answer these questions as completely as possible and return this file to us by sending an email to We will elaborate your answers and, with your written permission, we will publish a report in our website as a success case study.
Please contact if you have any doubts.
1. Location and Type
a. Where is your institution located (country, city, town)?
b. What type is it? (Preschool, Kindergarten, Elementary, High School, University, College, other). Is it private or public?.
c. When was your institution founded?
d. How many students attend your institution?
2. Motivation
a. How did you find out about Free Software? Was it through a GNU/Linux User Group, other associations or groups promoting Free Software, some teachers or professors, or through some other means?
b. For what reasons did you decide to implement Free Software in your institution? What aspects did you take into account for making the decision?
3. The Process
a. When you started using free software in your institution, did you switch to it from proprietary software?
b. If you are using Free Software as the result of a migration process, can you give us some details about the plan you followed for the migration? When did you start and when did you finish migrating? Did you replace the operating systems as well as other programs? Are there some computers still running proprietary operating systems or on a dual-boot basis? Are there some proprietary programs still being used?
c. What difficulties did you encounter during the migration process and how did you solve them?
d. Did you implement any training programs for teachers and/or other personnel? Can you tell us briefly about the training? Who and how many people received training? How many hours of training did they receive?
4. Commitment to Free Software
a. How many desktop stations are running Free Software?
b. Is Free Software being used in the institution's library and administrative offices as well as in the classroom? Is your server also running Free Software?
c. What specific Free programs are you using in the classroom? And in the offices and library?
d. Is there a specific Free program which has a key role in the teaching and learning processes in your institute? How are you using this program and how does it help to achieve the institution's goals?
e. Can you tell us the age of the students who are using Free Software in the classroom?
f. Are there any non-free programs still being used on the computers that the students use?
5. Results
a. What are the advantages that Free Software offer to your institution? Has Free Software met the institution's needs and expectations? In what way?
b. Have you noticed any improvements in the learning process by teaching your students Free Software?
c. Has your institution in any way contributed to the development and improvement of Free Software? For example by localizing a program to your own language, by submitting reports, by writing documentation/tutorials, or by hosting a Free Software project or a repository of a Libre distribution?
d. Is there anything you still need to improve to optimize the implementation of Free Software? Do you feel you need some help? What kind of help?